haha so i JUST figured out how to do introductions and stuff so hahaha!!! yea just doing one now lolz. well since this is a blog about random stuff and me i guess i should add in a little bit of information about myself up here

Real Name: Jordan
Pen Name: Dusk ^_^
well ummm im not really sure what else to say really buuuuuut hmmmmmmm i dunno just read the world lolz
trust me you will probably get to know me better from that than any thing else lolz

enjoy xp


OKEY DOKEY SO IM SUUUUUUUPEER HYPER...... yea just wrote out my crazy lizard dream.... twice... and i dunno if that was it or if it was talking about how at the end of harry potter 7 part 2 i had to restrain my self from jumping out of my seat and chasing it around the theatre lolz... deffinetly wanna go do that now.... hehehehe..... ssssssssoooooooooo HYPER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! this is not good because now i can DEFFINETLY not fall asleep :D ooooohhhh noooooooo whaaaat wiiiiill i dooooooooooo!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

LLAMAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! kali-koooz sent me a llama in farmville on fb... ITS SOOOOO CUUUUUUUTEEEE!!!!!!! xp...... hnmmmmmm LLAMA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


ok just to fore warn you (despite my hyperness xp) only watch this like half way through.. it gets boring enough just getting to the half way but its suuuuper boring to watch the whole way through and there isnt anything worth seeing past half way :D heheh

hmmmmmm................ what else do i have at my disposal?????...... oooo theres this... but it can wait till later xp......

SOOOO HYPER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! xp
LLAMAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <3

the guestbook

haha so i was looking through my guestbook because i had a new comment there, and i actually havent looked at it in forever lolz. but i had to laugh, i saw some of the funniest things on there (well atleast one) and i couldnt help but to start laughing hysterically (which apparently is a bad habit of mine since i randomly laugh hysterically at almost everything). but for everyone who is reading this and has posted there... THANKS TONS!!!! lolz but if you havent then no biggie, its not like i will die if everyone doesnt love me and show said love to the public lolz

haha but anyway i was looking up names and clicked on a google lind and (i would put up a link for it but.... technology impaired person is typing this and has no clue how to condense it so that the link says something but takes you to the page.. yea, deffinately an impaired person here lolz) but any way it told me "The site you want to visit does not allow non-human visitors, to make sure you are a human please take the test below.".... yupp i know what your thinking... the gremlins finnally figured out how to use the internet and whoever posted that site is with the resistance.....

but besides that!!!!! (someday when i cant sleep i will post the gremlin theory for you all to see... we all need to know whats going on if we are to survive and make sure that the gremlins along side the freezers dont take over the world... because you know... that would be terrible since I am the one who is supposed to dominate the world, and if the gremlins do then how am i supposed to make sure the head scientist/expirimenter can turn kali into a chiuaua-sardine-nekko thing and make mexican zombies to eat the evil marvin and to turn the annoying david into a giant brainless slug so i can slowly kill him by throwing salt at him.... it would be such a loss.....)..... i honestly forgot what i was going to say after the gremlin thing.... oh well.... i think thats all i got for now, should probably do something useful besides typing this random stuff...... byeeeezzzzzzzzzzz for now :D


so went to see harry potter 7 part 2 and well it was AMAZING!!!! haha i would have posted this yesterday but we went to see it in the mall and while i was there i managed to get my dad to get me more games. well sadly there were no zelda games for game cube at the one i was at because they are selling out their game cube merchandise, i dont know why but any way so instead i got final fantasy the chrystal chronicles, and the legend of spyro a new beggining... gotta admit i really like them both, and since game stop was clearing out their game cube stuff my dad said he would get me a new game system.. yippeeeee lolz well....... thats all i got..... sooooooooooo............................................................................................................................................................................................................................

please dont mind the swearing lolz

as you can see im still not asleep but i was looking at something on here, discovered something, and

sooooo.... i accidentally added a post that belonged in this world to my other world, a mistake and one that i thought was irreprable.. but i have discovered a way to move the post from one world to another without loosing the comments or anything.... and i am therefore in shock...
now if there are people out there who already knew this and think that it was common sense... DONT JUDGE!!!!! i may have an iq over 120 but you know, i didnt even know that was possibe, i havent been on here long, AND i figured it out ALL BY MYSELF!!! so THERE!!! IN YOUR FACE COMMON SENSE BULLIES!!!!!! hahahahaha now to add to that bit of hilarity we can watch this little clip from soul eater of death the kid defying p*ss breaks... (yet again unfortunately it is not in kid's voice but i still find it funny..) :D lmao i love this clip despite the fact that it isnt kid's voice :D lmao

ok NOW i REALLY am gonna try and go to sleep.. its WAY later than i planned to stay up.. but if i managed to survive warped tour with barely 2 hours of sleep and was good ALL day AND till like 10 at night, i think i can pull this off lolz

and i just discovered it cut off part of my title... O_o gonna have to fix that... NOW.... or i wont be able to sleep.... O_o... ok gonna fix it.. then sleep... i PROMISE!! lolz

FULL TITLE WAS: as you can see im still not asleep but i was looking at something on here, discovered something, and am now in shock...

ok... i feel better now :D..... nighty night :D... or ummmm.... day.. erm... what ever im out lolz

not sleeping..... again... -_-

sooooo i tried the whole "relaxing" thing, and even used my usual techniques for falling asleep when i cant... but i just CANT!!! ughhh im gonna be suuuuuper bummed if i fall asleep during harry potter, but i probably wont. i rarely fall asleep during movies. hopefully as soon as i DO fall asleep and once i wake back up i will be able to survive until i get back home and get to take a nap.... atleast my dad doesnt bother me too much anymore... i think he finnally got the hint that, i sleep during the day, and if he wakes me up to do something i am most likely going back to sleep once we are done.... although it WAS pretty scary a couple weeks ago when i was forced to go get ANOTHER manicure with my step mom, and we had to wait.. well I had to wait, and i ended up falling asleep in this hand shaped chair in the middle of the mall..... i was lucky that it was directly infront of the nail salon and not out in the middle or in some random place because who knows what would have happened then... *shivers*
but as you can probably already tell... im kinda hyper... and therefore very talkative lolz sooooooo..... for hyperness i will give you this short clip from soul eater (although its not the voices of soul eater.. unfortunately..) please enjoy :D

haha i love that part of soul eater, wher maka goes insane. another one i like is the last episode. those are probably my 2 favorite parts of soul eater lolz even though i LOVE it all heheh.... well i will leave this for now and yet again attempt sleep.... i will inform you all of how that goes.. especially if i CANT, because then i will PROBABLY be typing another post for here lolz