sooo i decided to start looking up anime on youtube since im seriously, and unfortunately deprived. only.... im failing horribly at it!!! i watched the first episode of durarara and failded at finding the second, well not really i found it, just not in english :(. so i moved on, and found soul eater! i have loved this one ever since i went to school on a day i didn't have to and watched it some of it with kali and sara! and i find the name highly amusing since i mess with people and tell them ima gonna eat their soul heheh... but i must admit i actually cried!!! i can't believe it myself but at the same time i can lolz. guys are such idiots, no offense lolz. if anyone has any suggestions for other anime i should try lemme know! ;p
haha finished coloring! my basic idea for this costume is a mix between present and old-english (more of a present style though) and is also supposed to be sorta tom-boyish yet sexy XP gonna work on more of it but i would like some opinions on this piece though.
this is actually also partially modeled after a shirt that was given to me haha.
so i decided to start working on one of my challenges instead of procrastinating and having to cram to get it all done. after all procrastination is like masturbation... feels great till u realize you f****d yourself lolz. any way so i started working on the *my first five!!!* challenge. so i sit here listening to music as i sketch out the first piece of mia's costume and get it to the point where i like it and decide to color it! so i pull out a brand-spankin' new package of colored pencils. starting to color, the end gets dull so i think to myself.... new sharpener, new pencil, coincidence??? i think not!!! so * insert pencil to sharpener, twist..... nothin'.....twist, nothin'.... WTF!!! so i reason with myself "ok, new sharpener doesn't wanna work 'cause... well who knows!" so i improvise, i'll just find my good ol' reliable one that i HAVE used. just one problem "where did i put it?!?!?" *look in pencil cup..... not there. *look in junk drawer..... not there. *look in BOTH extra drawers containing art stuff..... not there either. "d**n" *empties out pencil cup thinking "maybe i just missed it". ... d**n not THERE! *rummages through junk drawer again before emptying it...... no where to be found!!! so naturally i panic. "where could it have gone too!!! unless..... the gemlins stoled it!!! -_- "d**n gremlins... grrr." so continueing to panic i take apart my room. continueing to search the junk drawers and the pencil cup POSITIVE thats where i put it but even resort to the secret pocket in my purse *rummage....rummage... hmmmm awesome eraser!!... but no sharpener...0_0.... "what to do, what to do?!?" *climbs on bed to search the top shelf hmmmmmmm.... maybe, just maybe... behind the starfish???....*moves evil starfish....SUCESS!!!!!!! finally hahaha "i win this round you trickery gremlins!!! bwuahahahaha!!! soooo ima gonna finnish coloring now! Xp... i'll post it in a few just so i can get some opinions, NO STEALYZ!!!!!!!
well, for those of you who don't acually know this already, my name is actually jordan. but i'd prefer, atleast on here, to be refered to as dusk since that is part of my pen-name. but anyways back to who i am! lolz. i'm 16 and full of issues. i'm...
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