haha so i JUST figured out how to do introductions and stuff so hahaha!!! yea just doing one now lolz. well since this is a blog about random stuff and me i guess i should add in a little bit of information about myself up here

Real Name: Jordan
Pen Name: Dusk ^_^
well ummm im not really sure what else to say really buuuuuut hmmmmmmm i dunno just read the world lolz
trust me you will probably get to know me better from that than any thing else lolz

enjoy xp

DX awwwwwhhhh maaaaauuunnnn!

ok, so ive noticed that when i post videos some of them have been doing this thing, where they wont work :/ has that been happening to other people? and WHYYYY??? DX im really not complaining, im just kinda wondering why it's bee...

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yea.... guess what i just did :)

the OTHER ones >_>

these ones actually arent too bad either i guess ...

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i need an opinion.. or several

according to jasmine, when i cosplay with her next april or what ever im going as sebastian. and well im getting the contacts now, im just not sure if i should go for the cat eye contacts that are a pain in the butt half the time, but are atleast ...

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so... im think im gonna try and get super powers

so.. i guess apparently.. this lake.. thats behind my school.. is like toxic or whatever?... and well... i wanna go swim in it and see if it gives me super powers!!! :D