sooooo confused by this.........

is there a secret to spoiler tape that i dont know about!?!?!?!?!?!?! this has me so frustrated at the moment hahaha a certain person (you know who you are!!!!!! O_O ) hehehe xp some how keeps reading the stuff under the spoiler tape!!! xp i just dont get it *sighs* ............ BUT OMIGOD I JUST DISCOVERED THIS!!!-> (g_g) :O if u look with your imagination.. IT KINDA LOOKS LIKE A FACE!!!!! no nose or anything but the g's are the eyes... do you see it???...... haha any way off track, but if any one knows this "spoiler tape secret" please tell me!!! T.T im not mad about it or anything haha i just cant figure it out!!! and that drives me insane lolz... ('not like she already isnt'- whispers friend standing behind me, behind thier hand. me: 'HEY WHO ASKED YOU!!! *starts beating them with a book* 'SILENCE YOURSELF!!!' friend: 'ok ok chill already' *puts up hand to whisper again* 'see what i mean... craaaaazyyyy' me: glares -_-...) haha ANYWAY lolz.... OMIGOD I JUST FIGURED OUT THAT YOU CAN DO THE SAME THING THAT YOU CAN DO WITH THE g's WITH 6'S AND 9'S ..... 6_6 9_9 USE YOUR IMAGINATION!!!!..... does any one else see this or is it only me???? sooo this was a COMPLETELY random post but haha thats what you get from me at 5:30 in the morning lolz gonna go take a break now and lay down... not gonna go to sleep yet though lolz
