why is it so cold!!!! D:

i wanna know why its so cold im my room!!! it is NEVER like this, usually its so warm it could be considered a sweat shop!!! grrr i hate being cold.. im about to change into my eeyore pj pants, THATS how cold i am =_=...
i seriously wish i could stop time... its just... i really want things to work out so i can live with leah, and have my senior year at CLV. but im starting to second guess everything, and i know i shouldnt, that i should be confident that it's all gonna work out... but... im just scared for my friendship with leah, what if... what if we end up hating eachother... i dont want that to happen... i dunno, i just know i need to talk to her about her parents and mine getting together to talk everything over, im just worried that something may have changed and she didnt tell me. i know that that's just coming from my incessant paranoia, and that i should just get it done before it's all too late.. i just dont know what to do... ughh.. i really hate this, because on top of that my mom wants to talk to me.. and really i dont wanna talk to her... it'll just be awkward and i just dont want to deal with it... oh well one thing at a time in order of importance... which means.. LEAH FIRST!!!! :D haha.... even though talking things out with my mom should come first, it isnt, because in all honesty.. working things out with leah is FAR more important to me. i've known for a long time that a day would come when i would have to leave my family behind and, well its gonna take more than one day, but i've known for a long time that i was gonna cut off my family, there is just so much crap involved with all of them that i didnt want any part of it... so i guess that im just going to have to work this out, one step at a time...

i still wish it was warmer in my room though :D hahaha
