i love this feeling!!!! XD

you know the feeling you get when you come up with an AMAZING idea!?! or at least amazing by your standards??
well i love it!!
i actually come up with alot of good ideas and at the moment they are all just TRAPPED inside of my head, well i've decided that maybe i should in some way write this down or something just to, you know, get it out, make sure i remember it. im gonna do this from now on because seriously, i have A LOT of good ideas, and i think ill remember them but then i dont and i hate my self for it.

well any way to the idea that i just had. its an idea for a story, maybe a part of my world i already created, society? or maybe... maybe something completely NEW!!
well i was watching this video on youtube, just surfing for new music and i come across this one. (the video below)

so wait for the picture that pops up at oohhh 55-56 seconds, and THATS the picture that started this brilliant idea! ive seen that picture in other videos, and thought the same thing... it almost looks as though maka has turmed her blade on herself... but it wasnt till now that it hit me full force! this idea!...
so my idea...
so it takes place where a terrible war has broken out, between those who wish to deystroy the world and those who wish to stop them from deystroying everything (pretty generic i know but the twist in this war is, that they both dont care that they are fighting and deystroying the world, the side fighting for the 'good' of the world, is just fighting for its own power... well that and to still have a livable world to live on. not all of the people on this side are all bad though, just the ones that are mostly in control, there are some people fighting for this side that are actually good people)and the key to winning this whole war is one girl, who just by chance is discovered by those that want to deystroy the world for evil purposes, and they are able to convince her that they are the ones fighting for good. this girl, knows nothing of her past, and the only thing she knows is how to fight with her scythe. (this girl, just so happens to belong to the third side, the most powerful side of the war... and also the one that is not even seen or known of, and the people that belong to the third side are the deciders, the ones who belong to niether 'good' nor 'bad', they belong to the people, and fight for the good of the inhabitants of earth.) when it comes down to the battle field of the final battle there is a face off between the leaders of war front (basically the main fighters, gthe ones that are in charge of the ranks, for both sides some of them being actually good and some being actually bad) during this face off the ones who wish to deystroy the world flaunt the fact that they have the girl on their side, the glitch in them doing this though is that one of the commanders for the other side (a really good guy) has met her before (not realizing who she really was) and gave her some good life advice. the 'dark' side had kept the girl completely in the dark and when the 'good' side tells her what is really going on in attempt to get her to switch sides she realizes that neither side is fighting entirely for true good and (this is where the picture comes in) turns the blade of her scythe and decapitates herself knowing that if she is used to win the battle for either side no good will come of it and wishes no part of it and so removes herself from the equation. the war ends with the 'good' side coming out triumphant. the man who had met the girl before hand realizes what the girl did and convinces those who are above him that she had truely helped them and that they should honor her. so they take her body and give it a propler burial, and her scythe is given to the man who opens a meuseum to remember the mistakes of the war and puts it there.
decades later the world is only slightly better off than it was, the man is much older, and the war is restarting. with this news the royals (who were the major big wigs for the 'good' side who had truely just wanted power) ask the man to help them yet again... but he is much too old, and so, they threaten to take his grand daughter to fight in the ranks. with this knowlegde the man sends his grand daughter away with the scythe for her protection, and some other supplies, as well as a list, a list of people who he used to fight with, his old comrades who had joined the fight to help the people. with these things the young teemage girl is sent off, and her grand father is murdered later that night by the people who had been sent to retrieve her for the army.
with this she starts a journey that she isnt even sure the purpose of to find people who can help her. being young and naive this journey will be difficult, but would be difficult even more so, if not for one thing... the scythe, that, unknowingly, the chosen girl from long ago had stored her soul in when she be-headed herself with it. having done this the girls soul had regained her memories, but she was immovable, she couldnt do any thing on her own... but, she COULD speak with her wielder... the young girl discovers this all when she first comes across brigands that try and mug her and the scythe speaks with her and tells her how to defeat them...

ok yea that was long and i loves it... im not really sure how understandable that was though because more and more became clear as i went along, and i could have gone on and on but yea... that would be all night, so actually there IS more that ive come up with... but... i think its enough for now haha...
sooo... if any one can even UNDERSTAND that... wha'da ya think????
