'Oh my, I've been tagged? XD'

1. You must post these rules (Very Important indeed).
2. Each person must post 11 things about themselves in their journal.
3. Answer the questions the tagger set for you in their post, and create eleven new questions for the people you tag to answer.
4. You have to choose 11 people to tag and post their icons on your journal.
5. Go to their page and tell them you have tagged him/her.
6. No tag backs.
7. No stuff in the tagging section about "you are tagged if you are reading this." You legitimately (AKA, really, truly, with all honesty) have to tag 11 people.

questions byyyyy MangaKid!

~Favourite manga/anime ever? (Meh, I'm loving Dengeki Daisy right now! but I like sports mangas alot too)

~Do you have any pets?
*major sad face* no :( i love animals but i dont have any pets any more since i moved to my dads... im working on an attack plan to get a fish though XD and i always commandeer my friend leah's pets when im at her house since im actually supposed to live there... (those would be 4 dogs and now 3 cats)

~Any sports or other hobbies you like besides art and manga?
i LOVE photography... but thats kinda art.. hmmmmmm reading.. and writing, i love writhing too, and im working on learning some languages, and trying to defeat all of my video games on my gamecube befor christmas time when i should be getting another system.

~What types of clothing do you like to wear?
if you were to see me, 8 times out of 10 you would see me in skinny jeans, a t-shirt, a hoodie if its cold, and either converse or my new boots that i got a couple weekends ago ^_^. but if it were those two times, well probably more often that that, i will wear shorts.. usually only if im with leah or if i got out of gym and didnt feel like changing...

~Most favourite manga/anime character(s)?
SEBASTIAN!!! XD and ciel, and kinda grell from black butler, uraharra from bleach, haruko from fooly cooly, and death the kid, maka, and soul from soul eater.

~One or two words that describe you the best. ^^
hmmmm.... crazy.. atleast thats the one i get from my friends haha (which is kinda true...) not sure what else... manoooo?

~Favourite food?
PIZZA! (pepperoni, white, and buffalo chicken from crosby's in little valley and that one other company... [the buffalo chicken is the only one where it really matters]) but since im a food lover (^_^) id have to say ramen, jalepeno pepper poppers, and fried (grilled) pb&j with apple jelly for the jelly (the stinking BEST)... oh and ice cream!.. haha

~Pet peeve? what annoys you the most?
im not really sure on this one... there are some people out there that just plain annoy me... i can be around them sometimes and am ok with them, but i still hate the haha.... hmmm... but if i have to say one sure thing it would probably be when people complain about their life and do nothing about it, and people who are continually deppressed (im not saying people who are ligit depressed though, i understand that it is a problem. i mean people who are sad and just wont let stuff go, for example, i have a friend, he claimed to 'love' a girl after not even dating her a week (in his defense he was friends with her before, but still...) he said he was IN love with her (in my defense he knew her before but wayyyy less than even a year)... and to continue the example, he, more than once, threatened to kill himself... and THAT annoyed me... so i guess that would be my pet peeve?..

~What do you love the most?
hmmmmmmmmmmmm.... not really sure, my friends that i value above all, anime, animals, food, photography, art, music.... being able to have the best day ever, more than once :).

~What are you most scared of? Do you fear anything?
i would say, yes, i have fear. i fear water (it scares the crap outta me to be in deep water and for water to.. be on my face? i mean like... putting my face in the shower and stuff and going under water with out my nose plugged and stuff..) hmmm... my best friend leaving me... and actually... the dark, the whole not being able to see whats around me, and that whole, entirely alone thing... and also, being suffocated (sad story, but my moms boy friend would be "joking around with me" and we would be "rough housing" i guess? and he would suffocate me for like 10 seconds or so of me not being able to breathe at all... it was one of the scariest things ever O_O)
but i would say to counter that, i do things in spite of my fear, last year i went white water rafting, and had the time of my life. i walk around in the dark all alone. i know that if worst came to worst, and my best friend had a choice between me (who is 3 hours away and cant always be there for her) and a friend of ours who is mad at the both of us right now (that lives right down the road from her), and she had to choose between the two of us... i would tell her to choose him, knowing that atleast she would have some one there for her...

~What season do you like the most?
another tough one... hmmm well i dont have a favorite, but i have a least favorite, spring, i dislike all the... wetness >_<. but i love the spring flowers :) and i love the summer heat, and fall, the way its just a LITTLE cold and the way the leaves are all reds, oranges, and yellows :). and well winter, i love because even though its cold if your doing something you dont feel it, and snow boarding, and snow ball fights, and all that, then afterwards being able to come inside where its warm and get into fuzzy pajamas and a big hoodie and drink hot cocoa and eat ramen :)

haha wowz... i get the feeling i OVER answered those O_o..

any wayyyyy! my 11 people that are tagged!!!

Saz Chrithclow
Cooki Monstress
Pyrus aka Padme

questions~ (sorry if these questions suck haha...)

1: whoooo iiiiissss.... your first OC, if you have one, and tell me a little bit about them. if you dont have one, either make one up on the spot if you feel like it, or pass :).

2: if you were a super hero, what would be your power?

3: (similar to question 2... only different haha), if you could be a super natural creature, what would THAT be??

4: what is your favorite drink?

5: when you were a kid, did you have a favorite stuffed animal? if so what was it and what was its name. if not pass :) (i dont mean for that question to be creepy.. im just at a loss and i saw the stuffed animals in my closet haha.)

6: what is your favorite movie?

7: what is your favorite candy?

8: do you collect anything? if so what? and if not, then is there anything you always WANTED to collect?

9: what is your favorite animal?

10: what is your opinion of the word "manooo"?

goooooood luuuuuck XD.... (now 2 more to do.. T.T... hahaha)
