tagtagtagtagtagtagtagtaaaagTAAAAAG!!!! XD

You must post these rules (Very Important indeed).
2. Each person must post 11 things about themselves in their journal.
3. Answer the questions the tagger set for you in their post, and create eleven new questions for the people you tag to answer.
4. You have to choose 11 people to tag and post their icons on your journal.
5. Go to their page and tell them you have tagged him/her.
6. No tag backs.
7. No stuff in the tagging section about "you are tagged if you are reading this." You legitimately (AKA, really, truly, with all honesty) have to tag 11 people.

questions by TwinkLes!

1. What is your favorite number and why?
13, because when i was a kid, every year i would change my favorite number to how old i was, but 13 was one of the best years ever, it was when i finally started to be more... how i really wanted to be deep down. that and i really grew to like the number, despite how people believe that it's an "unlucky" number, i just figured what ever, im not superstitious, when i was a kid we had like 3 black cats.. i may not have the best of luck, but im a happy person most of the time any ways, so therefore, superstition=nada in my book :)

2. Favorite "villian" character in an anime/manga?
hmmmmmmm.... probably ulquiorra from bleach, i actually like most of the arancarrs but i dont know most of their names... haha

3. What song is stuck in your head?
beverly hills by weezer, but im also listening to it right now haha, so its kinda dominating my mind :)

4. Funniest thing that you saw/heard/did/said today?
gaaahhhh! no! today wasnt a fun day! i didnt do much funny stuff! DX if only you had picked yesterday! or this weekend!.... hmmm ill try any way... well... funny thing i said, atleast if you ask me, is out of no where in study hall i said "manoooooooo"... yea... see... nothing funny.. *sighs* pooooooo.... oh wellll! XD

5. Favorite type of muffin?
double chocolate!!! or vanilla... ive never found a vanilla one though :( like i had a dream about one that was like white cake-stuff and had white chocolate chips... and something else that isnt appropriate for public... but hey! in my defense it was a dream!!!

6. Favorite word in a different language?
BAKA!!! XD the japanese word for stupid, that is my favorite other language word right now hahaha.

7. Weirdest thing about you?
... pretty much everything.... but most of all.. probably the fact that i lick people's faces..... there's more trust me... but i dont think it would be smart for me to type that much more hahaha.

8. Favorite work you've posted on TheO?
well, so far my art hasnt been too good (for some reason my art has gotten worse more recently! O_o..) so i would say (does a world post count?) if so, my favorite thing would be my post about my whole master idea... i LOVE that idea, and im SO glad i wrote it out so i wont forget it :)

9. Do you like Owl City?
... sadly, i havent heard it yet, but i like owls... and it has the word owl in it, and even more, a city of OWLS! frick yea! *looks it up on youtube* yuuuhss, me like-y XD

10. Are you glad the questions are over?
mehh... i still have to do 10 or 11 more... unless some one else tagge me =_=... haha but i like answering questions so, i liked it XD.

taaaaged people!!! XD

Sabriella Hellena
akachi shiro
Airo Rokkuhauto


1: what is your favorite color? O_o

2: POPTARTS!!! what kind, if any?

3: what is your favorite book?

4: what is your favorite ice cream, if any?

5: what is your favorite brand of clothing?

6: what is your favorite song?

7: what is your favorite month?

8: if you were trapped on a deserted island, and were attacked by angry island inhabitors, what would you do?

9: what is your favorite plant?

10: what is your best saying?
