First Week of School: Done!

My first week of school was great :D I love how in every class I've got friends unlike last year, I'm rarely alone now. It's so much fun with them, we talk and laugh all through class AND get our work done. Even the strict teachers are cool (I knew my history teacher wasn't one that would take late work, so no more procrastinating for me)

Yesterday, my mom took us shopping right after feet still hurt from that trip >.> but it was so much fun. We saw a salon in the mall, which reminded me that I still want to permanently straighten my hair. See, my hair is really curly and kinda frizzy. Not extremely, but enough to annoy me...and I've always wanted straight hair. My mom said that if I found out how much it is and I save up half, he'd let me get one...I decided to research today to find the estimated price and whether or not my hair would get ruined. Turns out I have to save up a lot -.- there goes my 3DS... I think I'll wait though so my hair'll be nice for graduation (yes, I just started school and I'm already thinking about graduation)

I can't believe I haven't posted a Durarara!! song yet, so here it is. I love this song.

Oh, I almost forgot! For my Engineering class I have to either come up with a totally new product or come up with ways to improve an existing one. I was wondering if any of you had any ideas as to stuff that could be improved to make it easier to use or make it more useful. Any help would be appreciated! *you can be as crazy as you want with your ideas, it's a brainstorm, so anything goes* Thanks!
