Finals started on yesterday at my far, I've only taken 1 actual final test out of the 4 classes I was supposed to have finals for :D
My English teacher gave us a practice AP test, my Calculus teachers been gone because of an injury (yesss!! to him not being there, not the injury, that'd be messed up, even for me) and for my engineering one's anywhere near finished with their projects so it was postponed (my group managed to put together a working prototype thanks to my dad).
The ONLY class I've had an actual final for has been Physics >.< agh, I hate that class so much! Surprisingly, with 0 hours of studying, I breezed through it. It was extremely easy! The rest of the class seemed to be struggling though. I can't wait to see the look the teacher's face when she hands it back >:D She hates me, and I her.
Tomorrow, however, I'll have to take what'll probably be my toughest final...P.E.
>.> i'm no good at running...
Enjoy the song ^-^ And good luck to anyone else that has finals!