- Created By curaneko
Super long story of how I got my Bf
Valintine's day is in a few weeks and Miguel and I have been together for almost 2 YEARS. I still remember the day he asked me out. It was my freshman year and he was a jr. After we knew each other for a while I statred to have feelings for him. And it seemed like he had feelings for me. (But before I started liking him I ended up going out with two guys. The first one was just some prank and he was a pervert. The second guy was nicer, but he'd only text. And we were togehter for two months. Four days before my birthday he broke up with me for no reason. He said he wanted to be friends, but we never talked after that and he couldn't even look at me in the halls.) Back to where I was...Frank (our friend) asked if I liked Miguel and I told him how I felt. I asked him not to tell, but he did. He told Miguel behind my back, but Miguel didn't believe him (cause he likes to joke sometimes) And a few days later, a Franks girlfriend (no longer my friend) kissed Miguel. Thus cheating on Frank and hurting me (She saw how I looked at Miguel and I bet she knew how I felt(She's the kind of girl who takes guys from anyone)) I was heart broken because something like that happened before with another friend. I didn't want to see either of them...and for a about a week Miguel tried to apologize after seeing how much it hurt me...He even tried to get other people to give me his appologys. But I didn't listen. On Thursday, Febuary 2nd, 2010, after a pep rally, he was at the spot I usually hung out at. He waved and tried to call me over but I didn't want to talk to him or even see him. But eventually he got me to talk to him, He said how sorry he was and he asked if I'd want to go out with him. If I said no then this whole super long story of how I got my Bf wouldn't make sence. So, I had said yes, because I still had strong feelings for him, and I saw how sorry he was and that he cared for me too. I get sad once in a while remembering all we went through just to have each other, but then I remember that no matter what we have each other.
I Love You Miguel <3
I Love this song!
the weather
well it's a bit cold today and i guess im ok with it but i dont like having to dress in so many layers and have my parents still yell and scream that its too cold and i need to wear more than 3 layers adn that they dont want me to be outside...they always argue with me but they dont do that with my brother. :sigh: maybe it's cause he's the only boy. oh well i'm working on my mask in art again, im going to start on making a 3rd 4th and 5th hopefully 6th layer today! i already have a design for the mask i really like. It looks like a wolf with ribbon hanging off the sides. I hope that todady goes along better than this morning