- Created By bowstaff
Yah!! i have 250 veiws! thatnk you all for reading this world!
world update
The new world i created "Seria destiny and promise" has now three posts. i recamend that if you are going to read the story, read the introductions frist. they are very imortant. if you don't read it then you might get confused. But please do try it out! i just started the actual story today! Hope yoou like it!
The match and game
Alright well you all know what the "game" is right? well you loose the "match" whenever you think of anything henti, yowi, or yori. the funny thing is that ikeep loosing the "match".
New world update
hay, i fugured out what im going to call my world. It is called Seria Destiny and Promise. im going to create the world today so please visit it. i hope to start it today as well but i cant garentee anything but please visit.
I love this new backround. isin't just funny? i think so and o love it! i like garra in this. "No Hug!" so funny!