today was funny. in history, my class broke up into groups and had to preform the rest of a native american story. of corse, my teacher(Mr.Denny) had to read the rest of the story after all the play were done and through. my groups play started off when Raven( he was trying to the fish back for his tribe and found out that Halibet Man had them all) came back to the tribe. the fisher men followed raven back out to see and raven warned Halibet Man about the attack if he didn't give back what was theirs. well he declined to the offer and was harpooned! after that the fish were set free. in the actual story Halibet Man's house was pulled back to shore and Halibet Man jumped away when his house hit land. then the fish were set free..... apparently there isnt a lot of vilence in the native american stories... OOPS