A meme about me ;)
NAME: Konstantina
AGE: 16
ZODIAC: aquarius
HEIGHT: 1,63
FAVORITE COLOR: lime green
HOGWARTS HOUSE: Ravenclaw(i've taken the test in Pottermore)
DESCRIBE YOURSELF IN A FEW (five) WORDS: short-tempered,caring,mean,social and open minded
FUTURE CHILDREN'S NAMES: Anastacia or Sophia:3
MEANING OF YOUR NAME: constant and steadfast
ULTIMATE OTP:Jerza and Nalu
WHAT DO YOU PLAN TO DO FOR A LIVING?Lawyer or English teacher

NaLu becomes Jerza XP

so abou the fan art i uploaded, here is the original

Yeah i know mine can't even be compared to the original one :P

A Demons' Heart

I'm editing more pages of my comic right now , i think i had them in my computer for at least 2 weeks just sitting there waiting for me to stop been lazy :P well they are too many i think there are 7 that need to be edited , if it weren't for the small amount of people that read this comic i would have already abandoned it. even though i really like it it's a pain to draw and edit i wonder how mangakas find the will to do it , maybe because of their fans i guess ....
well wish me ...i don't know ...to be less lazy i guess XD

Humiliation at it's finnest X'D

Sooo ....well i am the most unlucky girl in the world :/
today i went to a karaoke party , i didn't sing but i really had a great time until it was time to leave ...and then my misfortune came.
As i was walking acroos a room full of people from the same school , i lost a step while i was walking and fell and then i was like"YES" and did a gesture with my hands just like i was planning to fall then i stood back up and went out while my friends were following me laughing with all their might . i was also laughing but really i was also feeling humiliated because everyone saw me and it was soooo awkard . And i'm sure that the people from my school won't forget it so soon ...i really am so unlucky i just wanna drown my self in anime to take it out of my head :P

Memes so many of them !

Stolen from SoAnime
[ ] You carry a mirror everywhere.
[ ] You carry beauty supplies everywhere.
[ ] You put others down.
[ ] You flaunt or brag about yourself. (no and I used to have a friend who did that to me so I hate it )
[ ] The only topic that interests you is you.
[ ] You don't listen to others problems.
[ ] You wear booty shorts.
[ ] You wear makeup.
[x ] You enjoy attention.
[x] You like to do things YOUR way and YOUR way only.
Result: 2
[ ] You feel negative about your body image.(only about my nose so I don’t think it counts)
[ ] You don't have a lot of money.
[ ] You don't have good grades.
[ ] You're insecure.
[ ] Your living conditions aren't the best.
[x] You cry a lot.(I try not to but sometimes I just….can’t control it )
[ ] You are bullied.
[x ] You've never been in a real relationship or have been in a bad one.
[x] You don't attract all the girls/boys.
[ ] You think everyone else has better things.
[ ] You eat a lot. (no but I eat a lot of junk food and don’t gain weigh, actually I need to stop eating those things)
[ ] You always get more than what you need.
[ ] You always have snacks around your house.
[ ] You drink a lot.
[ ] You always have a granola bar or something in your purse.
[ ] You hide food.
[ ] You binge-eat.
[ ] You are normally warm.
[ ] You can crack a lot of your bones(only my fingers)
[ ] You often say, "I'm starving...."
Results: 0 (oh well it’s only natural )
[ ] You are very sexually active. o.O
[] You have had three or more girlfriends or boyfriends. (I think I am a forever alone girl XD but I’m ok as long as I have anime)
[ ] You wear matching underwear.
[ ] You wear a lot of makeup.
[ ] You have fetishes.
[ ] You have looked up porn.
[ ] You are a fan of Yaoi or Yuri.(Ew, I hate them )
[ ] You have "fantasized".
Results: 0
[x] You have not had a real relationship.
[ ] You go to anger management classes or used to.
[ ] You have to take special pills.
[ x] You are aggressive.(sometimes)
[ ] You hate someone.
[x] You have hurt someone - physically or mentally.
[x] You back-talk people. (I’m not proud of it)
[ ] You have gotten detention before.
[ ] You get into fights - verbal or physical.
[x] You are strong.
Results: 5
[ ] You often buy things.
[ ] You [often] WANT instead of NEED.
[ ] You have expensive things.( I hate expensive things)
[ ] You put yourself before others.
[x] You can tend to be a little rude.
[] You don't try to save money. (I TRY SO HARD , but it’s so difficult)
[ ] You own more than two cars.
[ ] You own more than two credit cards.
[ ] You always have to look the best.
Results: 1
[] You don't do gym in school or don't try in gym(I love gym classed )
[ ] You don't have the best grades.
[ ] You procrastinate.
[] You go to bed at ten p.m. (nope , never ….i usually go to sleep at 3 in the morning on summer time and at 12 when I have school the next day)
[ ] You often take naps.
[ ] You fall asleep in classes.
[x] You're often called lazy.
[ ] You don't participate in class.
[ ] You do the minimum amount of work.
[x] You seldom go to church.(actually I don’t like going to church it’s just boring , but I am not an atheist)
Results: 2
Hahaha Wrath :P I guess that is correct

[ ] One of your parents is dead
[x] You are expected to do a lot of chores(but I don’t XD )
[x] You love to dress up
[x ] You love animals
[ ] You are waiting patiently for your Prince Charming
[ ] Your mom is really strict
[ ] You have sisters who seem kind of jealous of you
[ ] You're afraid to speak your mind sometimes
[ ] You have left your shoes at a friends house before
[] You have blonde hair
Belle (Beauty And The Beast)
[ ] You've kissed someone your friends didn't like
[ ] You've been lost in the forest
[x] You love to read
[x ] You are not shy at all, and not afraid to speak your mind
[ ] One of your family members is a bit weird
[ ] You have done volunteer work
[x] You have a wild imagination
[ ] You love to take care of people in need
[ ] You've had guys like you only because they think you're pretty
[x] You've rejected at least one person when they've asked you out
Total: 4
Jasmine (Aladdin) :
[ ] Your dad is VERY rich (nopec :P )
[x] You are very clever(that’s what I think :P )
[ ] You've been with someone way different from you
[x] You're unique and different from everyone else(everyone is unique)
[x] You'd never marry someone just because they were rich
[x ] You have set a lot of goals for yourself(yep, i need to become a lawyer a mangaka, a voice actor ....)
[ ] You don't have a lot of (good) friends
[x] You're independent
[ ] You are wealthy
[] Your parents try to control your life
Ariel (The Little Mermaid) :
[ x] Your parents expect a lot from you
[ ] You really try to follow the rules, but its hard for you( I am who I am rules can’t control me , but I do listen to my parents :P )
[x ] You're a bit of a trouble maker
[ ] You're the youngest in your family
[ ] You have a lot of sisters
[ x] You collect something
[x] You have/had long, hair
[ x] You have/had a pet fish
[x] You're extremely curious
[ ] You believe everything people tell you/you're a bit gullible
Snow White :
[ ] You know that you're beautiful
[ ] Sometimes it seems like your mom is jealous of you
[] You have at least seven good friends (4 I have 4 friends that I can trust completely)
[ ] You've almost been killed
[ ] You've had food poisoning
[ x] You have/had short hair(and I hated it , stupid me )
[x] You get along with almost everyone
[x] All of your friends are different
[x] You love to have a good time
[ ] You're happier when you're out of the house than in
Mulan :
[x ] You can be a tomboy sometimes.
[ ] People wish you could be a bit more girly
[ ] You've pretended to be someone you're not
[x] You've had a physical fight with someone
[ ] You have/had considered running away from home
[ ] Your parents try to plan your life out
[ ] A lot of your friends are boys
[x] You sometimes find yourself in bad situations
[x] You love your family so much that you'd do anything to protect them
Aurora (Sleeping Beauty) :
[ ] You live/have lived with someone other than your parents
[ ] You almost died at a very young age
[x] You are gentle, loving, and/or thoughtful(yeah but I don’t show it a lot )
[ ] You have a decent singing voice
[x] You like to sleep in late on the weekends(I like to sleep in late everyday)
[ ] You spend most of your time outside
[ ] You're adopted
[x] You're very romantic
[ ] Pink is one of your favorite colors
[ ] You love to walk around and explore big cities
[x] You are more spiritual than religious
[ ] You've been in an interracial relationship
[ ] One of your family members is dead
[ ] Someone you know has been in war
[x] You love nature
[ ] You have/had black hair
[x] You would love to move somewhere exotic and beautiful
[ x] You're very adventurous
TinkerBell (Peter Pan) :
[ ] You get jealous easily
[x] You loved your childhood (I am still a child. Still love it)
[ ] You like to fly
[x] You believe in magic
[ ] You're 5'2 or under
[ ] You hate pirates
[ ] You love sparkles
[ ] People underestimate you
[x] You get angry easily
[ ] You have/had a treehouse
Alice (Alice In Wonderland) :
[ ] You have/had a pet rabbit
[ ] You love to play cards
[ ] You constantly need to know the time
[ ] You get in sticky situations
[ ] You have been to court
[x] You have fallen asleep while doing homework (once)
[ ] You have had a tea party
[ ] You love hats
[ ] You are constantly lost
[ ] You know how to play croquet
Meg (Hercules) :
[ ] You're boyfriend is strong
[x] You have gotten involved with the wrong people before
[x] You are very convincing
[x] You have fallen in love before
[ ] You have had your heartbroken
[x] You love Greek mythology
[x] You lie sometimes
[ ] You pretend to be someone you're not
[ ] You have been used
[ ] Purple is one of your favourite colours.
I am Ariel <3 yeah!!!!!!

Do you have a crush right now?
yeah (^///^)
What is your favorite color?
Lime green
What about your favorite animal?
Dogs and wolfs
Choose one ... ;) =) >:D :-{D
Did you ever have an F on your report card?
hahaha funny story ….yeah I did …I hate maths... DON’T judge me :P
What about straight A's
No but I am a pretty good student
If you could go back in time and change one thing that you did, what would it be?
I would study harder because this year I didn’t study at all
Do you enjoy singing?
I love it , actually I have a friend which voice is like an angels and I love singing with her ^_^
If so, has anyone ever told you that you can sing well?
Yes but I know that my voice is average
Again...Choose one...<3 , ><> , * , @(^_^)@
Are you listening to music right now?
yeap ^_^
If so, what song are you listening to?
Evanescence “tourniquet”
If not, what song do you WANT to be listening to?
What is your favorite subject in school?
Art, history <3 and gym
What is the month of your birthday?
Do you like country music?
Sometimes :P
What about rock?
Looooooove it <3 _ <3
Also Loooooooove it
If you had to eat one fruit for a month straight...what would it be? oranges, bananas, grapes, apples, or kiwi? (or other)
grapes <3
Do you like roses or tulips better?
Tulips because they are such elegant flowers
Was the name that you just thought of a member of your family?
What about a close friend?
Ok...what about your crush?
Used to be , but oh well he is an idiot so….
Do you watch SpongeBob?
yeahhhhhhh …..i love Patrick <3
What is the name of your best friend?
I have 3 , Maria , Nicole and Fanis (a boy)
Do you like fish or chicken more?
Are you a vegatarian?
What about your steak...Rare, Medium, or Well done
Well done I hate it when it still has blood , I mean how do they eat that thing
Did you like this random survey?
yeah , nice way to kill time
Last thing.....Pick a # out of these... 1,2,4,7,14
7 because it the number of magic according to Harry Potter

bad luck me :/

So hey ! how is everyone ...me? i'm so not ok ....i feel like today is the worst day for me....Just when i thought that i could have some fun there comes a boy that kills the mood ....there is a boy(who i really want to punch) that one of my friends liked that is hitting on my other friend ....confused aren't you XD sorry sorry i need to explain. So today i visited two of my friends that i haven't seen since 2 weeks ago and we were supposed to see the boy that one of my two friends(let's call her Emma) like ,BUT..... we did meet this bastard but as it seems he wasn't the least interested in my friend anymore(they used to be a couple) but instead he was hitting one my other friend.....in the end the only result that came out of this was both of my friends crying in a corner while i was trying to make the both of them feel better....And so the day ended and i ended up leaving and i'm afraid i might not see them for a while and i couldn't even have fun with them ,i only sat there watching them cry but that's not it....After i went home i logged into Facebook and my friend "Emma" sent me a message saying that another boy likes her and he wants her , but he doesn't want a serious relationship, and she also told me that she is thinking abou it and asked for my opinion. This boy is not that good...there are some rumours that say he is taking drugs .....well they are only rumours but i'm not sure that she can be safe with him...and i told her that she shouldn't do anything but she kinda wants to take revenge by dating him....and i just don't know what i should do anymore ,i'm so confused....

So thank you for hearing me, i hope i didn't bothered you too much!If anyone can give me any advice i would be glad to hear them , cause i seriously need help...