coming and going

Hello everyone it's been a long time !
i'm not that active recently and that's because the O is not that active either in my opinion (i still love it though).
So yeah i'll try to come here more ;)
recently everything has been alright except that my little sister fell and broke her arm T_T and that gave be a fright and i'm really worried cause i myself have never broke anything and she is only 7 and i would give anything to be in her place instead of her :/ (i'm freaking out a bit :P )
Also i had a little talk with my friends because they think that i'm always stuck at home and i decline almost all the time their offers to hang out :P i know that they are right but sometimes i'm just not in the mood.... Also on the bright side in two weeks i'll be going on a 3-day trip with my school and i'm super excited even though i have a lot on my mind for example the money that our class needs to give the order of the rooms we're gonna take etch. but i'm sure it worths it :P
that's pretty much everything :P how about you guys how have you been ?

here is an image that tottaly goes with the book i'm writing *_*
