Night Class Profile (limit of 8)
Name: Sayomi Inoue
Age: about 200 Looks 18
Gender: Female
Grade: Junior
Hair style/color: Dark Blood Red, very long, past her butt, kinda messy.
Eyes: Blood Red
Height: 5'6''
Weight: 100 pounds
Looks: Pale, Slim, Deathly Beautiful
Personality: She is kind of dark and quiet and likes to mess with people, she isnt afraid to speak her mind. She can get an attitude but is generally nice but sarcastic to people she is closer to.
History: She doesn't like to talk about her past but comes from a long line of not as popular nobles. She has a big family but is basically alone.
Rank (Pureblood, noble, normal, Xhuman(Can lower to E class)): Noble
Power: Can create illusions of pain. the person will feel the worst possible pain imaginable but it's not real. (kinda like jane from twilight)
Anything Else?: nothing i know of yet.
My OC, Sayomi. Originally made for clueless101's world Cross Academy