Poetry is poetry whether it depicts a sad and soul wrenching theme, or if it sends someone to universe that they feel happy in. However, i still feel the same way i do about rhyming, but if that what helps you get it out, then you have every right as a writter and artist to use rhymes.

Looking back at everything i have written, i was a troubled girl who was saved by pen and paper, friends and even the art of others. I greatly advise anyone to start writting, drawing, singing, playing sports, anything to keep you happy and steer you away from suicide. You do matter whether you know that upfront or not.

Tell Me Wat You Think Of This!

You cant Hear My Cry

I call 4 help but
how culd u not hear

I cry bcuz u ignore
me and bcuz u cant hear me
your so focused on her
and not me

How culd u hate me and
Love Her?I dont understand
why cant you hear my cry?

Im waiting 4 you 2 hear me
cry but you cant hear me
bcuz all you think about
is her and no one else

I hope u guyz like this one!i think im a poet agn!YAY!WOOOOOOOOOOHHHHOOOOOOOOOOOO!im so Happy!

another try at poetry!

ok im trying 2 write agn and herez one of my ideas 4 a new poem so comment if u want and tell me wat u think!btw itz not finished yet

How Could You

How culd u stand 2 hurt me
doznt it bother u that ur
not treating me the same?
or that im being treated unfairly?

Poem writing....

im still not sure if i shuld write agn or not.....its such a hard decision i mean i try 2 write but it doznt cum 2 me anymore!i think i seriously lost me gift! im not sure but if it does return 2 me i guess i culd start writing agn but im not so sure!i honestly dont think that ill be able 2 write agn i jus dont kno why its so hard 4 me 2 write wen i feel like writing.....i jus cant do it and agn im srry

ok bout the poem thing.........

ok im not sure yet but sumone has convinced me 2 write poetry agn but im not saying who it is but im not sure................ive tried writing wen i had the weird urge 2 write but i looked at the paper and sed"its pointless since i promised myself not 2 write another poem i cant write"so im not sure but i guess if my gift of writing returns ill write agn...........but im not sure cuz i kno not realy alotta ppl like my writing and friends are suposta say its gud no matter how bad it is but idk..................i guess ill jus look out at the stars 2nite 4 sum answers.........4 sum rezn wen i look at the stars i feel like myself and i get the feeling 2 write but idk!if u guys realy want my poetry 2 cum back ill think bout it......and thank you guys 4 suporting me i gues i cant let my friends down..........and that sumone i thank you 4 convincing me 2 think bout my decision in not writing poetry......i guess my poetry is a part of me and apart of the real me that ive ben hiding all this time...................

(P.S.tell me if this picture is write 4 this post cuz im not sure!)

Im giving it up

srry evryone im giving up poetry.....i duno if u guys will miss it but i wont im tired of my dark poems makin ppl feel bad if thats all i can do with my wirting and its mostly all the same just worded differnt and i think its nuthin but crap......................ive nevr ben gud at portry and i nevr will and im giving up singing and especially dancing i suck at evrything i do so im jus goin 2 give up......i guess im just a loser like evryother soul in harlem,montana and i shuldve learned a long time ago that my life wasnt going anywhere but i was to stupid to realize it and unless i can figure my own damn self out i wont be writing poems anymore............im srry 4 those of u who kinda liked my poems but im done with it all..............im giving it up......