Welcome to Random Ramblings aka RR

here i post fic chapters pics and stuff

meanwhile Influx of Insanity is a world dedicated to getting out negative thoughts or goings on in my life so beware when visiting that one

Mood: amused
Song: Summer Nights

fanfic 1

if you didn't see the prologue it goes like this:
after the success of their previous venture
renjifangirl18 and tainted wings rented a house
with funds from said venture

rfg18: "hey! the stuff... its being bid on like crazy
only reita-san's shirt left." (..)
"whoa! is that a phone number or the current price?!" (O.O)
"SOLD!" >:3

renjifangirl18 had bought several king-sized beds
and put them in a basement downstairs
and also learned more recipes to use

tainted wings had an ad put on tv
to advertise the new massage business

the both of them worked to get the house client-ready

and it just so happens that the first bunch of "clients"
were in the area and noticed the sign out front

-its An Cafe-

so they come in

-pity none knew what was coming their way-
-its at this very moment those involved made the worst decision possible-

*not that we minded good for business*

to be continued........
come on continue it!! tainted wings

if you don't understand the prologue, well i don't know what to tell you

now to continue

Teruki-san: (..)!"hey look."
~points to sign~
Teruki-san: "you guys want to try it?" (..)?
Yuuki-san: "nah." (--)
Teruki-san: "not today." (TT)
Takuya-san: "well i'm going."(..)
Miku-san: "ditto."(^-^)
Kanon-san: -ponders- "fine i'll go." (TT)

so the group splits up,
those who want to do other things
and those who want to stay

rfg18: "ah we have clients!" (^^)
tw: "you mean "victims" right?" :3
rfg18: "oh yeah." >:3

rfg18 brings over a menu
and takes their orders
then heads off to pour drinks

~its at that moment trouble began~
~because each drink was spiked with something that will A: help them lose all restraint
and B: wipe their memory of this night~

~it takes a little while to work, just enough time to feed them....~

rfg18: "ok here is your takoyaki." (^_^)
~we'll just fast foward through this~
rfg18: "alright ready for shabushabu?"(^^) (hotpot basically cause this takes place in winter) ~FF this too~
rfg18: "have some mochi ice-cream." (^-^)
~FF~ btw they had more drinks throughout all of this increasing effects

Kyo-san was passing through
he needed a massage anyways

so he steps in to have tw greet him (lmao couldn't help that one ^-^)(dream come true he he he)
rfg18: "hey can you handle this one?" (..)?
tw: "............" (O-o)'
rfg18: "figured as much...."(^.^)'

~end for now
to be continued

from peoplepc's home page

it's almost unbelieveable that this happened....
and also, how come he's got washboard abs? well no matter i'm watching the match at coney island

Japan's Kobayashi beats Chestnut in eating rematch

CULVER CITY, Calif. - In a chewy chow-lenge, Takeru Kobayashi outlasted Joey Chestnut when the eating titans faced off to see who could devour the most pizzas.

Kobayashi, a six-time world hot dog eating champion from Japan, consumed 5 3/4 P'zones in a six-minute span of chaotic consumption Saturday to edge Chestnut. The 25-year-old from San Jose, Calif., wolfed down 5 1/2 P'zones on Stage 15 at Sony Studios.

"I'm a little bummed," Chestnut said. "There's nobody I like beating more than him, he pushes me harder than anybody."

The arch rivals are best known for their annual Fourth of July hot dog eating showdowns on New York's Coney Island. Chestnut has beaten his Japanese competitor the last two years, winning last year in a five-dog eat-off after they tied at 59 frankfurters in 10 minutes.

This time, they went cheek-to-jowl in a stomach-centric contest sponsored by Pizza Hut featuring the P'zone, a pizza weighing one pound with pepperoni and other ingredients sealed inside a crust. At nearly 12 inches long, it resembles a calzone.

Jaw strength and stomach capacity were sorely tested in consuming one of the most filling foods on the competitive eating circuit.

A serious-looking Chestnut prepped by opening his mouth wide and loosening his jaw. Kobayashi stretched his lean limbs and whispered with his interpreter.

Then it was time.

Chestnut took an early lead, squeezing a P'zone in his left fist while alternately slugging from a water bottle. Soon, liquid splashed all over Chestnut's white jersey and dripped from his mouth.

Kobayashi took a tidier approach.

He roared back to take the lead for good on his second P'zone, tearing off bites of the golden crust, then folding it over and sipping carefully from a series of white paper cups that he refilled with water.

"The crust was very chewy so my technique was to try to drink as much water as possible to soften up the crust in my mouth," Kobayashi said through his translator.

No dunking was allowed, and containers of marinara sauce accompanying each P'zone were tossed aside by both chowhounds.

A small crowd gathered a few feet from the elevated food fest cheered the men on, with Chestnut's highway patrolman brother yelling inches from his face to eat faster.

Chestnut couldn't keep up with his 31-year-old rival from Tokyo.

At the six-minute mark, Kobayashi raised his arms in triumph and lifted his red jersey to show off a set of washboard abs.

"It was tough. Kobayashi came to win," Chestnut said. "I was raised on pizza so it was natural for me to eat it, but I was a little slow to get going and he came out fast."

The thought of a Japanese outeating an American in a pizza contest wasn't lost on Kobayashi, who is recovering from TMJ, a painful jaw disorder.

"I love pizza," he said. "When I come to America, pizza is my happiness. I look forward to eating it."

Chestnut said he wasn't used to eating pizza that quickly.

"It's doughy," he said. "It takes a lot of chewing. He got off to a really good technique early on, his rhythm was drinking water and swallowing. I changed mine a couple times and never got in the right rhythm."

Kobayashi ended a three-event losing streak to Chestnut, a 25-year-old whose weekday job is in construction management.

"I wanted to prove that I'm champion," Kobayashi said. "A champion will stand up to any battle."

He said he would go for another Fourth of July hot dog championship and then probably retire. Chestnut will be ready and waiting on Coney Island.

"I'll see him in five weeks and I'm going to push him really hard there," he vowed.

Portions of the pizza event will air on the Spike TV "Guys' Choice" show on June 21.

it's hot

the air-conditioning at my house is out
my windows don't open
my room is the hottest of all even with the door open

i have to -pause- stop every few seconds -pause- to fan myself
its like 80 in here

and 90 outside

pic post 71

i had others but they were bitmap
you would never in infinity think that this pic of hitsugi-san
and the one with flowers were the same person nor the one with the cute dog

certainly you cannot judge a book by its cover

Awesome Quiz Url

i'm trying to get all the results ~malicious laughter~ >:D
and it has pics, and those pics are causing my fangirlmode to get stuck as "on"

*jeez its stuck good this time* =.=


mmm most tasty.......
*lick* :P

*trying to turn fangirlingmode off*

*come on!!* >:O

*pushes harder*



*not again...* =_='

*searches for super glue*
*none found*

*ah tape*


*sigh* fiiine
but i warn you your fangirlmode switch could get stuck as "on"
and then it breaks cause you tried too hard to switch it off
i ran out of tape fixing mine because it broke into more pieces this time


jeez does anyone realize how much a fangirlmode switch costs to fix
i'll tell you: as much as a car payment
just for superglue!!!


fine...... *mumbles about impatient people*
