Welcome to Random Ramblings aka RR

here i post fic chapters pics and stuff

meanwhile Influx of Insanity is a world dedicated to getting out negative thoughts or goings on in my life so beware when visiting that one

Mood: amused
Song: Summer Nights

fanfic fanart

phew 3 pages to finish this chapter

pg 1/3

�Trippy Misadventures with the Boys�

TMB episode #16
Payback - cause all is fair in love and war

[ren was not happy with what happened] -at the end of fanfic 27-

[her moment of exposure was taken advantage of]

[she liked it but rfg18 would have perfered it with less people around]

rfg18: ack! that was so embarassing! why there of all places when da-da emz and angel are home as well?
-deep blush- i mean it didn't need to be public.... -

rfg18: -RAWR!!- i want payback!!

[ren walks to a craft store and buys a tiny bottle of glue] -no no not crazy glue we're not out for blood this glue has decent hold however-

[ren also buys some mineral oil to loosen it]

[as Hitsugi-san sleeps rfg18 squirts a bit of glue into his bellybutton]

[when he wakes up half an hour later and sticks his finger in to investigate what is in his bellybutton]
[quickly Hitsugi-san realises there is a problem]

Hitsugi-san: ahhhh i can't get my finger out!!!

[Hitsugi-san's phone was charging and noone was in the house]

[so he has to go to White Tigress so with difficulty he calls by cell Sakito-san]

Hitsugi-san: i have an issue here come get me ok?
Sakito-san: ok.

Sakito-san: .................. that IS an issue! where to?
Hitsugi-san: White Tigress.

[they ring the bell]

in a sticky situation?
stuck on something?
relief is just a few steps away

rfg18: come in i've been expecting you♥

[rfg18 retrieves bottle of mineral oil]

rfg18: now to work

[she pours some in his bellybutton]

rfg18: ok now start trying to pull out your finger]

[Hitsugi-san wiggles his finger and after a minute it comes out]

rfg18: now to clean your bellybutton]

[with a little more mineral oil and a washcloth rfg18 cleans his bellybutton out]

Sakito-san: why did you do that?

rfg18: well after me and emz and Hitsu-san played hide and seek in my house they couldn't find me so angel called my number and i wiggled out from under my bed to answer it. but my shirt hem snagged exposing my bellybutton so Hitsu-san took the golden chance and he sticks his fingertip into my exposed bellybutton.....

Sakito-san: ahh i see -smiles-

rfg18: but the problem was i quite enjoyed that but we weren't the only ones in there so i was embarassed..... -blush-

Hitsugi-san: are you still having a problem showing emotion?

rfg18: nnnn yes........ -stretches arms towards ceiling- nrrrrrrhh.....

Hitsugi-san: rushes in and tickles ren's sides-

rfg18: Wha--? ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!

[tickling continues]
Hitsugi-san: say it... ♪

rfg18: nooooo noo ah ha ha ha ha ha!!!

[tickling continues]

Hitsugi-san: say it....♥

rfg18: HITSUGI-SAN WA SARU OJI-CHAN! Wa ha ha ha ha!!!!

Hitsugi-san: say whaaat?!
Sakito-san: -roar of laughter-


fanfic 27

fanfic 27

~rfg18 is bored~

~rfg18 is very bored~

~and because that is so she always comes up with ways to shake things up~

rfg18: "i feel like hide and seek and tag today." -gets out cell-


-anyone who wants to play hide and seek and tag can meet-up at my place-
-stuff the winners of each can win include cash, itunes gift cards, even if you don't win special beanie babies are waiting-

~the only one there was Hitsugi-san~

anglsu: [i don't wanna play but we're on our way to watch emz wants to play though!]

rfg18: "jeez i figured more people would come...." "i'll have to play just to make a game. which is fine by me♥"

21emz12: "so we're going to play what first?"

rfg18: "hide n' seek."

Hitsugi-san: "in here?"

rfg18: "yes."

21emz12: "there's enough space?"

rfg18: "yes yes. this place is just as spacious as White Tigress...."

tw: "well then shall i count?"
anglsu: "and i will seek?"

rfg18: "yes yes!!"

tw: " 3...2..1. GO!!"

~annnd they're off~

anglsu: "hmmm......" -searching-...............-searching-

anglsu: "ahh...." -smirk-

~emz located behind the shower curtain~

21emz12: "rats..."

anglsu: "shall we try and find Hitsugi-san?"
21emz12: "ok!"

anglsu & 21emz12: -searching.....--searching..-

anglsu & 21emz12: "FOUND YOU!"
Hitsugi-san: " oh well...." -smile-

Hitsugi-san: "now we find ren?" since she and tw live here along with you two i bet she'll be hard to find."

~they search the house high and low but it seems ren is not there at all.~

21emz12: "the car keys are still there so she didn't leave..."
anglsu: "her shoes are still here, so i think you're right!" "her cell is right here so if we call her she'll have to come out to answer."

~anglsu calls rfg18~

~her cellphone rings Naked love plays~

rfg18: "ahh phone!"

~from under her bed rfg18's feet pop out~

~then her legs~

~as rfg18 scoots out from under her bed the frame snags her shirt hem pulling it up~

~one [1] exposed bellybutton~

21emz12: "ren! THAT'S where you were?!" Σ( . .)
anglsu: "good place!" (.. )'

Hitsugi-san: -idea- -giggle- -sticks fingertip into said exposed bellybutton- "beep.♥"

rfg18: "WHAAAA!!!! -konk- "owww........" "Hitsugi-san!!"

Hitsugi-san: "how did you know?"

rfg18: "other than you admiting to it just now no one else would do that, and anyway i knew that it was your finger."

~rfg18: scoots out the rest of the way and hurried off.~

rfg18: "come on next game." "hnnnn where are the keys?"
anglsu: "ren are you embarassed?"
rfg18: "phone my phone ah got it..."
21emz12: "are you ignoring us?"
rfg18: "hnnn i feel like switching shoes...."

rfg18 "okay let's go!"

~at a local park is where this game of tag is gonna happen~

~on one side is base on the opposite side is an expansive playground~

~anglsu will try to tag people~

~Hitsugi-san runs first~

~he runs all the way around it which looks tiring and is [SAFE]~

~emz runs but just as she's about to be [SAFE] tagged out~

21emz12: -[defeat]-

~finally ren runs~

rfg18: -thinking- instead of running around i'm going through." >O

~rfg18 jumps onto the swing and propels herself foward by the power of it's momentum~

~she runs across the bridge~

~across a balance beam~

~up a slide~

~ren was so into this she never realised that she was hungry~

~up a steep slide~

~and all this nonsense was burning up her energy reserve~

(F o->E) [empty]

rfg18: "huh?" -suddenly exhausted- what? "why am i feeling like this?"
rfg18: "ah crap that hurts! "ah ah hurts!!"

~anglsu is closing in~

tw: "you think she can make it to base?"
Hitsugi-san: "i don't know..."

~rfg18 tries dodging several times but alas~

rfg18: -[defeat]- "i... i was runnin on fumes.....

-can't think of anythin now-

fanfic fanart

wahh Hitsu-san the men's bathroom is the NEXT door!!

fanfic fanart

almost forgot this
