Welcome to Random Ramblings aka RR

here i post fic chapters pics and stuff

meanwhile Influx of Insanity is a world dedicated to getting out negative thoughts or goings on in my life so beware when visiting that one

Mood: amused
Song: Summer Nights

pic post 51

sorry this is so small

special aoi post url


go to this url and depending on your particular internet it will be loading
but anyways...

AOI FANS ENJOY >;3 *hee hee*

Url to a site

this link takes you to see profiles of your fave member

takes you to home page

have fun

Mp3 recomendations

i need to expand my mp3 choices
so if you know a song from the gazette, alice nine, nightmare (i already have the world and alumina)or an cafe (other than cherry saku yuki ryusei rocket)
PM me with song name or even better url to a site where i can get them free
will be appreciated

if your choice of song is from an artist not listed here tell me who ok?

the 1st two listed will be new to me

pic post 50

its like he's asking
"was i a bad boy mama?"
and i'm like "in that pose, yes."