fanfic 5 rfg18 omake o(≥A≤)o "yatta!"
~this was later on Christmas Day~
Hitsugi-san: "mmm you might have overdone it...." :(
rfg18: "......." "no argument here." (=_=) "though it might likely be because i was eating too fast." ( ..)
Hitsugi-san: " you've eaten fast before and had no problem, not even choking." (.. )
rfg18: "hmm.... well then you're right it was sheer quantity."(--)=3
Hitsugi-san: "but THAT many?"(. .)? (sweatdrop)
rfg18: "my stomach is not a bottomless pit, more like it's a very deep pit."|3
~there was an eating contest. tail-on shrimp was the item~
~the others never stood a chance except for one~
~ rfg18 absolutely LOVES shrimp so rfg18 easily won; at a cost~
~a dozen shrimp per plate rfg18 ate 20 plates worth~
~total of 240~
~rfg18 had won when she had finished 15 plates (180 shrimp) so she ate sixty leftover shrimp so as to not waste them~
~needless to say rfg18 was not feeling well at all~
rfg18: ~groans~ "unnnh.... my stomach is starting to seriously hurt..." (__ __)||
rfg18: *thinks* i know what i need right now. the question is do we have any?
rfg18: "no, none in the medicine cabinent." :\
~so rfg18 heads to a nearby pharmacy
rfg18: "ahh here it is." :o "i'm going to need regular strength." (. .)
~rfg18 buys a jar of Tiger Balm~ *this stuff is used to relieve aches and pains and it also warms you up some*
rfg18: ~winces~ (>___<) ~her stomachache hasn't gotten better in fact it might be worsening~
~Hitsugi-san enters the room~
rfg18: "here." :| (throws jar)
Hitsugi-san: (catches jar) "what is it?" (..)?
rfg18: "pain reliever." (..) "i was just at the pharmacy to get it."
Hitsugi-san: "you went out dressed in a tank top and cargo pants?" "it's cold out there." :O
rfg18: "aww i'm fine." (^__^) "with this stuff you rub in to wherever you need it." "time for you to put to work what you've 'learned'." (-__-)
Hitsugi-san: " (.. )? ( ..)? "ME?!" Σ(00);
rfg18: "yeah YOU!" (^w^)~♥ "i would do it myself, but its ineffective" "you just can't give yourself massage." (..) b
rfg18: "easing off when its hurting them, likewise adding more as needed."
Hitsugi-san: "ok." (. .)
Hitsugi-san: "you can't hold still? you're fidgeting a lot."
rfg18: "i can't help that, i'm so ticklish!" "h- he he he he" (^///^)
Hitsugi-san: "but i just started."
~after one hour of work~ (which should have taken less time but rfg18 was fidgeting and giggling the ENTIRE time~
Hitsugi-san: (0.0) "i just felt her stomach growl through my fingertips. it made a really quiet noise too, so quiet you wouldn't hear it."
rfg18: "yeah? i heard it." "felt it too." "ugggh......." DX
Hitsugi-san: '!" "you were awake?" (0_0)
Hitsugi-san: "are you hungry?" :)
rfg18: "mmm, not now....." (- -) (~O~)*yawn*
~low growl~
rfg18: " are though." (smile) "if you want i can hook you up to a feeding tube or even force feed you♥."
Hitsugi-san: "umm.... that's ok i won't need either one." (^_^)' (sweatdrop)
~rfg18 gets up~
rfg18: "oh by the way, your massage work was great. whoever taught you has done a fine job indeed." ( T)
~rfg18 heads over to the table~
~rfg18 buries herself under the kotatsu and immediately falls asleep~
rfg18: ( _ _) ZZZzzzz
Hitsugi-san: ( 00) "................." 6(^///^) "hehe." "hmm that was a compliment to both of us."
~next day rfg18 woke up early~
~very early~
~back to normal (?)~