fanfic omake #1

fanfic omake #1
~this fanfic will, with luck, help explain stuff about rfg18~
~we'll dive into the various facets of her personality~
~and learn what events shaped rfg18 into what she is now~

note from rfg18
i based my character who yeah is based in part on my experiences, abilities and personality
i made my character with those aspects as well as some that are different from my own
the fanfic is my personal fantasies (hehehehe) come on none of you who have been reading along can admit that you wouldn't want {insert name of fave Jrocker here}-san as a date i'd bet everyone wants to meet {insert name of fave Jrocker here}-san in person. (yeah i see you people who are trying to look away or even deny it (`__') but to post this fanfic on theO i had to tailor it to fit within the pg-13 limit on content so..... this thing could've gotten even better (tainted wings you KNOW what i mean♥ (laugh) (ah fangirldom) mind wandering aside (sweat) i'll explain as much as i can about rfg18

onward then
~rfg18 11:37 PM 12/24/2009

«« rfg18 hates needles »»
since rfg18 had ONE horrible experience with needles at the doctor office as a child
she developed a deep rooted fear of them ever since then
so now rfg18 becomes nervous whenever the thought that she may need shots or may have blood drawn
as a child her ability to fight off many people, while it make sense to her to defend herself
it's a challenge to her doctor and to the poor nurses who are caught up in the chaos to hold her down
even though she was only a kid rfg18 was able to hold her own against five adults
nowadays rfg18 can do ONE needle and ONE only so if it fails to draw blood well then she'll be gone faster than you'd be able to stop her. the anxiety level she feels is off the chart
and if you back her into a corner trying to do anymore you'll be TKO ASAP

rfg18 was taken to have her ears pierced
noone told her that doing that would be painful beyond belief
so that only served to enforce rfg18's understanding that needles ARE bad things
so rfg18 is happy her immune system is above average so that for two years she hadn't caught anything (until the event in fanfic 5 on Dec. 24th)

feh! her doctor said "oh it'll feel like a mosquito bite."

«« rfg18 and food »»
rfg18 hates most vegetables
-hates tomatoes / likes ketchup and pasta sauce (picks tomato bits out)
loves fruit and would rather eat them over the vegetables
obvoiusly has a appetite
eats her food fast because during high school time to eat at a normal pace was impossible due to shortage on time sometimes she could not afford to eat... well rfg18 has long graduated but her habit still exists; old habits are hardest to break
rfg18 hates being hungry because
1) it hurts a lot. enough to revert to fetal position
2) it makes her moody and lethargic
3) it's noisy with all of the growls & gurgles (when this happens rfg18 is embarassed and it makes it hard to sleep )

rfg18 may skip meals because of lack of time or now to lose weight but the problems are still there

«« rfg18 is talented »»
likes video games (competitive when money is involved)
has a good sense of humor (remember the scare she gave everyone at the beach?)
likes kareoke (competitive when money is involved)
can cook
had learned to be professional at massage and then taught tainted wings, 21emmz12 and THE BONE SNATCHER
because White Tigress gets busy fast (everyone is licensed)
rfg18 is witty, smart and shrewd

«« rfg18 likes....»»
animals and has some of her own
-rfg18 often feeds stray cats and dogs and birds at the park
listening to her ipod
to nap although White Tigress is so busy she really can't

«« rfg18 dislikes....»»
spiders *on LJ's thisnekoboy community Hitsugi-san had bought a cellphone strap, it was a spider he called it cute
if he'd left it on a bench i would probably freak*
vegetables (you: yeah we know those already)

«« rfg18 is Otaku »»
(well duh. if i wasn't i wouldn't have joined theO)
anyways rfg18 has a entire wall in White Tigress with eight bookshelves that enshrine her manga library all of the volumes are arranged so that on each shelf manga is stacked in rows (one row on top of another) the bookshelves are double-sided to further maximize space. her collection is organized first into shojo and shonen groups, then put in alphabetical order on these same shelves wherever there's space, are figures, plushies and gashapon. as if THAT was enough, along another wall nearby to the wall of manga is a collection of Shojo Beat, Anime Insider and Shonen Jump (rfg18 brought them over when she moved here) rfg18 spent months typing reference lists for all those issues (SJ alone has SIX years of issues... can anyone say neckache?)

«« rfg18 is weird »»
Q: what is with you not likeing tomatoes but eating ketchup?
A: tomatoes whole crushed diced sliced cooked raw etc. if i eat any i just feel sick that's why i pick out tomatoes from pasta sauce
Q: are there any other weird quirks you have?
A: i won't eat the yolk when an egg is hard boiled yet i will when an egg is scrambled~~~i love the Dir en Grey PV's for Cage and Obscure (mmm macabre)(hey! that's an album title for DEG) and i watched on youtube Kyo(san) vomit versions 2.0 and 3.0 (and i think 2.0 is better) i watched them while eating (smile) ummm...... i have a secret see if you can find it
it'll be under one of these spoiler labels

hint: (OK do the quiz i worked to get ALL the results)

can you guess yet? that quiz is a major hint

the answer is i have a fetish with the smexyness of Jrocker's stomachs (we're talking about guys here to be more specific)

OMG!!! i just.... admitted that in PUBLIC!! (O////o);
i search for pics and when i find some with what i like♥....

is it warm in here or is it just me? eh heh heh....

(you: it's just you)
(tw: i bet i know who you were just thinking about♥♥ >3)
(rfg18: there are NONE believe me i looked he dosen't do that -cry- )
(tw: are you sure? i saw one on GOOGLE OMG have you already seen it? (..)?)
(rfg18: hmm yeah i did whoever labeled that one was wrong. did you notice that those six piercings along his lower lip aren't there? THAT is a quick way to ID him and anyway he'd NEVER do a photoshoot like that (;___;)
