this is also a little mature
fanfic 12 omake
this will add to fanfic 12 what is missing
i feel like expanding on what tw and Kyo-san did in their room
so anyway tw had a few herself
and was unchained from her inhibitations
just like rfg18
when both lose their inhibitations they drastically change in personality
rfg18 stops saying -san with people's names
but both are bold, confident, less polite and very straightfoward
they turn into passionate fangirls who won't hold back
for them there is NO such thing as manners or appropriateness
below is what happened after tw and Kyo-san finished with the hot spring
tw: "ahhhh! that was so great i feel awesome!"
tw: -drinks 2 more cups of sake for a total of 5- [rfg18's was total of 6]
-sayanara to her inhibitation♥-
-hello to happy fun time♥-
~Kyo-san of course didn't drink all that much~
~didn't matter though.........~
tw: "uheeeeeeeeeee!!!!" (±3±)
Kyo-san: "WTF?!" ( `___')
tw: -pushes Kyo-san onto the bed by the strength of fangirl rule # 1: love can move mountains-
Kyo-san: "what are you doing?!" D:
tw: (*¬ω¬*) we're doin it.....♥" >3
Kyo-san: "what the HELL!?!?" "doing WHAT?!?!" D<
tw: "oh come on ya know what i'm talkin bout!" "let's start witha kiss♥!"
~a passionate kiss~
tw: "oh.......♥"
~another kiss~
tw: "now to begin.....♥"
Kyo-san: "oh----!"
the rest of this is too graphic to type about in detail but i'll
describe what i can
[ack! hey! get off me!]
[uhekekeke so shy!]
[huh? whoa! whoa! whoa! where are YOU sticking YOUR hand into?]
[isn't it obvious? your pants♥]
[just grabbin' your {you know what} ]
[LET GO OF MY {you know what} ]
[aww come on be a man!]
[oh is this what your new tat looks like? i like!]
-falling asleep-
tw: "zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz"
Kyo-san: -out of breath- "............"
so when it was time to leave
rfg18 asked tw what happened between her and Hitsugi-san last night, tw told rfg18 to ask him herself
rfg18 asked how tw's night with Kyo-san went
tw didn't remember so rfg18 told her to ask Kyo-san
once they both found out
nothing more was asked
Hitsugi-san: "you know what? i perfer rfg18 sober over drunk any day." ;(¬__¬)
Kyo-san: "really? tw was too much last night."i like her sober too..." (-_-);