fanfic omake #7
let's learn a little about our current hostesses
i'll update rfg18 as well
15 years old
likes: Futoshi-san from Aqua Timez :)
cute stuff :3
fanfic debut: fanfic 3
dislikes: being punk'd by rfg18
15 years old
likes: Reita-san from Gaze
ferris wheel from fanfic 18
fanfic debut: fanfic 12
dislikes: being punk'd by rfg18
21 years old
loves: Kyo-san, Ruki-san & Kamijo-san from Diru, Gaze and Versallies [and often can't choose just one for anything]
enjoys fangirling with rfg18 [by that i mean fangirling in an mature way about mature subjects♥]
dislikes: being punk'd by rfg18 blood, violence
20 years old
loves Hitsugi-san
likes: playing tricks on her friends, animals, macabre sexy and cute things [how'd that happen??]
sleep, video games, Jrockers, Jrocker tummies, an occasional drink, food, winning bets [Uheee♪]
proving herself smarter, stronger, faster, and way more talented than given credit for [ore-sama ne?]
dislikes: boredom, most vegetables, being hungry, her jerkwad parents [who are still having face reconstruction surgery] being alone