fanfic omake #8

fanfic omake #8

tw: "hey." (..)
anglsu: "yeah? (.. )?
tw: "ever notice that ren changes when she's around Hitsugi-san?" (..)
anglsu: "really?" (.. )?
21emz12: "i know right!" ( ^^)
tw: "yep a real difference." (^^)
anglsu: "really!" ('o' )!
21emz12: "yeah she usually is all serious and business and....."
tw: "serious? business? who're you talking about?" ( `ω')? "she's also a fun loving trickster!"
21emz12: "yeah that too.... (^^); but when Hitsugi-san is around she's all blushing and flirty and stuff!"

~rfg18 was playing with her keets~

tw: "Σ( ' ω')σ "ah good timing! watch."

~Hitsugi-san suddenly came in~

~after talking for a few moments rfg18 goes from content to magenta pink~

tw: "ah ha ha look at her, she so embarassed and shy right now!" (^ω^)
( 00) "hehehehe look at her hide!" X3

tw 21emz12 anglsu: Σ( O0O)

21emz12: "oooh he just tickled her!" ( O0O)

tw 21emz12 anglsu: -continue watching-

tw: "awwww there she goes again with the blushing and hiding!" :) "ah ha ha look at her fidget" (^^ )
