so it seems i've been unsubscribed by the very same friend again
i don't think i can take much more of this emotional roller coaster
this is the list of people who subscribed to me:
bolded and underlined names are those i talk to regularly
itallic are those who i talk to every now and then
any with [] are those who i have no contact with at all
[ niko-chan ]
[ hiyori123 ]
[ trinitylight ]
[ the bone snatcher ]
[ lee owns ]
[ clueless101 ]
[ bloodycat666 ]
[ aquaprince]
[ support kira ]
[ otakugothgirl ]
[ kannima ]
[ aoi bara ]
death yasha007
[ emovampireriska ]
[ sasoriofredsand ]
[ akastuki15 ]
a few of them i subscribbed to as well
so out of 20
2 i regularly talk to
3 i talk to every now and then
leaving 15 as unknown
now i wonder
will i delete this entire account
i really am thinking of doing that
[ i only have 6 real friends left or maybe it's only 5 ]
so if i were to delete this account would it matter?
would it matter? would anyone notice, let alone care?
to make me feel worse i was unfriended on their LJ too
the last straw that breaks me may very well be this vote
so first off
shall i delete my account yes or no?
a vote from three different people minimum is needed
don't matter if it's 3 yes or 3 no
if you want me to stay then vote no don't delete
and find two other people who i still have contact with
[your choice of 21emmz12 angelsu crimson-rose aizome]
[if you manage to get a no vote from the missing friend than i'll count those 2 vote as enough]
however 3 yeah go ahead and delete will have me off theO faster than a jackrabbit on hot asphalt
so my fate is in YOUR hands
mood: sad
listening to in my mind: ain't afraid to die
feels: just about abandoned
like i'm a waste of space on theO
like i'm better off alone like i thought before
as if your votes were the rope around my neck and that what the result is will either kill this account or save it