fanfic omake #9 omake

a omake for a omake?

aaaaanyways read it for news

Ai-chan you need to especially read it

~so what was made permanent?~

rfg18: -thinks- so i can make things permanent but will have to give up something in exchange eh?

~ren looks over at Ai-chan~

rfg18: " -thinks- she seems plenty happy here as japan is a place she wanted to come to.... anyway the more the better! hmm......

Aoi-san: "ren! turn us back!"
rfg18: "hmmm...."
Reita-san: " can you turn us back?"
rfg18: "hmm..."
Aoi-san: "oh god what if she can't?!
Reita-san: *gasp* "No!"
Aoi-san: "PLEASE I BEG YOU!!"
Reita-san: "we'll give anything!"
rfg18: "hmm...."
Aoi-san: "hey! here's ¥10,000!"
rfg18: "hmmm....."
Reita-san: "a couple of FC memberships!!"
rfg18: "hmmm....."
Aoi-san: "how about i dye my hair orange?"
rfg18: "hmmm........"
Reita-san: " i'll take bandera-kun off right now if you'll do it!"

rfg18: "of course i can! i never said that if i could change you back that i wouldn't but since you offered all that incentive it'd be rude to refuse them now......"

Reita-san & Aoi-san: Σ( o Д o) "WHOA WHOA WHAAAAT?!?!"

rfg18: "kekekeke i played you two as easily as you would play your guitars...." (´ω`) "now Ai-chan we'll have to train you in our ways so come come to White Tigress we go!♫"

rfg18: -thinks- finally lets' set things right elsewhere....."

~Ruka-san and Yomi-san return to their right bodies~ ~however the clothes Hitsu-san was wearing now were now a part of his closet~


rfg18: "now we're ¥10,000 richer, a few of us are in the gaze's FC, Aoi-san has orange hair and 1 photo of bandera-kunless Reita-san. all in all a good day if i say so myself."

anglsu: "so what did you give up?"
21emz12: "you don't look any different..."

rfg18: "i gave up my power to have Ai-chan stay here and return people to the way they were before."

~anglsu 21emz12 TBS and Ai-chan all group hug ren~

anglsu 21emz12 TBS and Ai-chan: "REN IS SO KIND!!!"
