fanfic omake #11

fanfic omake #11

[on the news]

[a total solar eclipse will be occuring from noon til 3 pm today]

[heh if only they knew what was going to happen]

-the 4 rens-

normal ren
lustful ren
drunk ren
macabre ren

-one personality* one whole hour* every hour during the eclipse-


anglsu: hey did you hear we're going to have a total eclipse here!
Bonez: yeah i never saw one before!
Ai-chan: me neither
emz: i can't wait
ren: yeah same here 4 hours!

~the eclipse starts~

[later at WT 1:00 begins]

-lustful ren awakens and Hitsugi-san is in the room-

ren: hot studmuffins fresh out of the oven...♥

ren: -gives a surprised Hitsuu-san a warm wet kiss-

ren: -liplick- tastes like s_x♥

Hitsugi-san: WHAAA!?!? NOW!?
ren: you bet your unzipped pants now!♥

anglsu: whaa! ren?!
Bonez: here!?
Hitsugi-san: "yahh help!
emz: come on we gotta help him!
Ai-chan: yeah!

ren: uwahh! purple leopard print!!!♥
Hitsugi-san: AHHHHHHHHH!!!!!! NOT THOSE TOO!!!!!

Bonez: ren no!
emz: ren he needs those!
Ai-chan: ren please!
anglsu: ren stop!

ren: nnnnn..... -latches onto his neck-
ren: lovebite♥
Hitsugi-san: ow!!

Bonez: what is wrong with you ren?!
anglsu: ren?
emz: she's acting weird.....
Ai-chan: is it the eclipse?

Hitsugi-san: it might be! ow!
Bonez: you mean TWO more hours like this?!

[2:00 pm drunk ren]

Bonez: mmm she bit you, with passion....
anglsu emz: stay here we're scared now!

Hitsugi-san i guess i'll stay....

ren: HOOOOOOO WAAAAAAHHHHH!!!! ahh?? Heeeeii! you're back! back!! back! back!

Bonez: uh oh Drunk ren.....!

ren Heeeeee hhhheh ehhhhhhe heehehehe eeeeeee

Hitsugi-san: has ren been drinking?
anglsu: no.
Hitsugi-san: -facepalm-

ren -folds a paper football- hey hey yea you! go long!
emz: ren you're talking to an orange!

ren: ahhhhh you miss'd well yer neva makin it to the orange bowl

[3:00 pm macabre ren]

emz: almost done.....

ren: i thirst for BLOOD!

~ren cuts her arm~

ren: mmmmm savor the flavor eh?

~ren examines Hitsugi-san's neck~

ren: nnnnnnn already got you huh? mm you tasted good♥


~time sped up eager to end this~

Ai-chan: the eclipse is over!
emz: yes!
Bonez: thank god!
anglsu: finally!
Hitsugi-san and there won't be another for a long time!

ren: hey guys that was a great eclipse huh?
