fanfic 52
ren: (`ω´) <- [face ren is making]
research is done desu..... -> ( •´ω`)=3
-consults HitsuApp- hmm nothing is scheduled today so... -heaves
a bag over shoulder- lets do this thang! love makin' is gonna be a
~heads home for the EVENT~
come on over i have a surprise~
Hitsugi-kun: ren?
ren: lets do this thang! love makin' is gonna be a BANG!
Hitsugi-kun: !! EH?!!
ren: yeah..... -stands from behind and blindfolds him-
ren: shall we go? i'll lead...
ren: stairs watch your step.
Hitsugi-kun: [then we're going in her room!]
ren: ok then strip to the bare essentials♥
Hitsugi-kun: um...
ren: Σ ok then..... shirt buttons unbuttoned... 1..2..3..4..5..6..... off.....
pantsu button unbuttoned....... pantsu off...♥ pantsu under pantsu
off!♥♥♥♥.......and NOW myself to the bare essentials♥ more
thing off with the blindfold♥♥♥♥
Hitsugi-kun: Σ( o0o)
ren: yeah yeah ....... i shall now apply this warming lub all over your
Hitsugi-kun: (´¬`)
ren: don't hesitate and go☆
[kisses and a little tongue action]
ren: i did research and we'll see what happens♥
[■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ and then■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■
■■■■■■■■][■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■
-they were ridiculously overheated and even an open window didn't
ren: mmm chocolate whipped cream tastes good on you♥ hang on
i'll be back!
-comes back with ice-
ren: -with ice cube in hand she runs her hand down his back♥-
Hitsugi-kun: (=w=)
ren: flip over?
-flips over-
ren: feel any cooler?
Hitsugi-kun: a bit....
ren: -with more ice runs her hand all over his front-
Hitsugi-kun: ( =ω=) much better♥
-dressed only in sheets they fell asleep-
if you wanna know where i got such [hehe] techniques and if you wouldn't get in trouble for going there
should take you to the slideshow 30 thing to do to a neddkid man