ramblings 15

ramblings on rumblings [more then the thunder]

rumble growl gurgle
either way it's happening inside uggghh..........
my energy is fading.... ( _ _) but i gained weight since my last doctor visit
this is almost the only way but it's still painful >.<

might be at the library tommorow

there is a rooms to go ad on the sidebar
wow haven't seen it in ages

there's a storm that's going to bulldoze a 3rd
i had a Kai-san paperchild buit i'll have to readjust the camera size
it's too dammed big to even edit ><'

a while previously i was cold and got mom's heating pad
so i laid it over me like haramaki but it felt like kotatsu {tetsu??}
=w= ahh

so keets were playing in my shoes
climbing on them in them and it's just cuteā™„

ah did anyone see the random minimake idea?
hehe quite fun!

i'm the same height as Hitsugi-san and an inch taller than Ruki-san so the thought that i could actually look those who are my height in the eye......... aweoeme

awesome there..... the awesomeness made my typo ^^'

might make myself a fanart but i wanna redo dada's dedication
yay for their return

the caged bird might sing but it doesn't know true happiness til it flies away then it can fully live

bird fuzz is bad to have float up your nose
but it's fun to stick to their face too

time for bed


baibai ^3^/
