fanfic 56

Mrs. Yamato: she was looking pretty worn out and then she jus' collapsed.
Hitsugi-kun: why does ren seem skinnier then usual?
Mrs. Yamato: yea' i noticed that... if ya pull her shirt up a bit
Hitsugi-kun: !!
Mrs. Yamato: yep her ribs are showin' a little, not eating at all by the looks of it.
Hitsugi-kun: are you sure about that?
Mrs. Yamato: i ain't no doctor but it doesn't take much to figure that out.

suddenly ren woke flinching when he tried to touch her
and ren tried to run off but Hitsugi-kun actually caught her before she could take a step

once at home he tried to get her to talk but she refused ai-chan at and Bonez tried to get her to eat and at last she relented silently swearing to get rid of it all. after eating ren slipped off to go puke but Hitsugi-kun, suspicious followed. he saw her shove her finger down her throat and the horrid mess that followed

her body unable to stand it anymore gave in, wracking her with intense pain picking her up Hitsugi-kun is shocked to learn how light she was. he spent the majority of the night whispering comforting words into her ear and softly rubbing her stomach; trying to soothe the excruciating pain that was underneath. a high fever had Hitsugi-kun freaking out and he called the hospital and asked what to do the doctor recommended first giving her electrolytes to restableize her system then slowly giving her instant meals.

Hitsugi-kun: thank you so much!
doctor: from what you told me i'm pretty certain her body was already digesting itself to survive
Hitsugi-kun: that's disgusting!!
doctor: i agree but that is what ends up happening.

getting out the feeding tube and threading it down electrolytes were given first. ren woke up

Hitsugi-kun: ah you're awake!
ren: -trying to protest-
Hitsugi-kun: shh.... shhh it's ok now Boo explained everything
you're fine just the way you are, i'm going to pour these into the feeding tube.
.......... never heard those before. that was weird sounding -sweat-
ren: -wince in pain-
Hitsugi-kun: ah! i should've warmed it first... sorry!
ren: -moans-
Hitsugi-kun: aww.... you're going to be alright -gently massages stomach again-
though now that i think about it Mom always was telling me not to eat hot and cold things at the same time.
ren: -puts in her headphones-*sighs with relief*
Hitsugi-kun: oh they're back!
Bonez: oh Hitsugi-san!... REN! what did the doctor say?
Hitsugi-kun: she was trying to lose weight because she overheard people nitpicking on how much she weighs
ai-chan: by STARVING herself!? ren!
at: ah you crazy!
Hitsugi-kun: she only weighed 90 lbs..
ai-chan Bonez at: BAKA!
at: you crazy idiot we like you just as you are! huh?

ren was listening to a playlist on her player and hadn't heard a single word
Hitsugi-kun: she's listening to a playlist....

ren woke up then turned over onto her side
Hitsugi-kun: ....... not too many people can listen to agitated screams of maggots while asleep
at: wake up dammit! -jumps on top of ren effectively wakeing her-
ren: ack!
at: please if something made you upset then talk to us...
ren: you jumped on me.
at: sorry. feeling better?
ren: -shakes head no- stomach still hurts
Hitsugi-kun: ok we'll let you sleep more