fic_2 10 - fic_2 14

fic_2 11

fic_2 11
-while getting dressed again-
Ai: you have more piercings?
Ryouga: this one? -points to navel piercing-
Ai: -staring at his sexy stomach a few minutes-
Ryouga: you were staring?
Ai: n-ot that much! [more like five minutes]
Ryouga: -teasing- you sooo were staring at my stomach
Ai: ................. -tears up-
Ryouga: n-no i'm sorry don't cry
-hugs Ai-
Ai: -sniffle- that wasn't nice..........
Ryouga: i see that now
Ai: -poke his stomach [kinda hard]-
Ryouga: ow!
Ai: oops! poked you too hard sorry....
Ryouga: it's ok i earned it -starts to put on shirt-
Ai: -runs her hand down his stomach-
Ryouga: -tenses the muscles- chuckles
Ai: wouldn't happen to be [smirks] TICKLISH?!
Ryouga: -laughs- s-stop A-Ai!! ah ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!
-he returns the favor-
Ai is equally ticklish in the same spot and laughed until she cried
Ryouga: ok..... we found each others weak spot
Ai: no more it's sadism......
Ryouga: no more... agreed