Last night was slightly frustrating. Usually what I do on a Saturday night is watch a couple of episodes of a little series called the Red Green show on Iowa Public Television at 10:00 PM. Then at 11:00 PM I change to Adult Swim to watch some of their weekly anime lineup. Last night was different though. You see, another show that I like to watch on Iowa Public Television is Doctor Who, which is on at 11:00. So I record Doctor Who while I watch anime, but last night Iowa Public Television didn't follow their regular schedule. Once or twice every year, Iowa Public Television has what they has what they call "Festival" which just them showing special programs which they interrupt repeatedly to ask for money. Whenever a public broadcasting station takes breaks in the middle of their shows to ask for money, they usually run long. Last night, IPTV was supposed to show a special episode of Doctor Who which I had never seen before at 10:00, and I usually have my recording device set to record from 10:00 to midnight in case I miss Red Green. Last night though, when I turned on IPTV at 10:00, they were still showing this british sitcom that went on until about 10:36 I think. So I thought to myself that maybe I should watch Doctor Who just in case my recorder didn't get the whole thing. It meant that I'd miss Bleach, but Adult Swim usually runs the same episode of a show twice in one night, so I thought I'd just record Bleach when it ran again at 3:00 AM. So Doctor Who finally came on, but about twenty or thirty minutes in, IPTV interrupted to ask for donations. They went on for what seemed like thirty minutes, repeating how important is was to donate money to their station and what people could get by donating a certain amount. They must have gone over that list of stuff one could get for donating about five times in that break. Finally, IPTV resumed the show, and than when there was probably only fifteen minutes left in the episode, IPTV interrupted yet again. By the time Doctor Who was over, I had missed not only Bleach, but also Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood, which isn't one of my favorite anime shows, but it has grown on me a little. Anyway, I also had an extra load of laundry that night, so I forgot all about recording Bleach. Anyway, I guess the point I'm trying to make is that all PBS stations need a new and better way to raise money. Who's going to watch a show when they interrupt it for thirty minutes to talk about the same thing over and over again? Thanks for reading.
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