Dead Again

What's dead you ask? My inspiration for making wallpapers. I lost it a few weeks ago, then I got it back and made sixteen wallpapers. Now once again I have nothing. Don't worry, I'll get it back again sooner or later. The only thing I can do is browse through some of the images that I've had saved on my computer for awhile. Or I'll look for some new ones. Eventually something will come to me. Probably not in the next couple of days though. Tomorrow I'll be busy, and I have plans on Saturday. Plus I have this one fanfic that I feel I should get back to soon. I actually have three unfinished fanfics at the moment, but two are kinda on hiatus. Whether that hiatus is permanent or not, I don't know. Anyway, don't be surprised if you don't see any new wallpapers from me for the next week or so. I'll get back to it though. Just gotta get some new ideas. I'll keep an eye on the challenges and see if anything strikes me.

