Moving Forward

That's what I seem to be doing right now anyway. This evening I had a little more driving practice. Overall, it went okay, but I did end up making a few mistakes, like not stopping soon enough and things like that. Plus it was my first time driving in the dark, so I was a little nervous. It wasn't completely dark, but dark enough. Not to mention the car he had me using this time was not at all comfortable to drive. My right ankle still hurts. Still, I think it went well. I've made mistakes and I think I've learned from them. At least I hope I have.

Anyway, things have been moving forward with my art. I did four new wallpapers, so that slump I went into wasn't quite as long as I thought it would be. I also did a new piece of fanart that I'm kinda proud of, and I'll probably do a sequel to it soon. Plus I've already got a new wallpaper challenge going here on TheO. I actually came up with the idea for the challenge weeks ago. I basically copied and pasted the description from a Word document I typed up, but this new challenge already seems to be somewhat of a hit. There are already two people entered in it. So like I said, things seem to be moving forward.
