Done For Another Year

Well, today finished all the manga that I usually read every fall and winter. This final book of manga in this little list of mine is the second and final volume of Tokyo Mew Mew a la Mode, the short-lived sequel to Tokyo Mew Mew. At this point I'd like to give my opinion of Tokyo Mew Mew a la Mode. Those of you who wish to ignore this opinion can just skip to the last paragraph of this post. Otherwise feel free to read on.

So overall I think that Tokyo Mew Mew is a good manga, but I do have one problem with it, it's too short. At most it needed to be at least two volumes longer than it was. The ending was kind of abrupt, though in a one-page mini comic in volume two they did mention that there was going to be more manga, but the editor just decided to drop it. That in my opinion was a mistake. Of course it seemed like in volume one that the story was moving a little fast. It had a promising beginning, and it was a fun story, it just fizzled out a little too soon. There needed to be a little more development.

For one thing I would've liked to see a little development with Mew Berry's character. As for the villains of a la Mode, the Saint Rose Crusaders, they were an interesting group, but they weren't really fleshed out enough. I mean I got that they were humans with special powers and that they were rejected by the rest of society, but I still felt that their backstory needed more to it. Like who or what was that Duke guy and why exactly was he trying to conquer the world? They never explained that part.

As for other stuff that the writers could've done differently, I see two options. They could've either done chapters where Berry got to know each of the other Tokyo Mew Mew members better, or they could've just had Berry lead a second team of Mew Mews, sort of like how there was a second team of Sailor Scouts in Sailor Moon. Then Mew Ichigo and her team could've just shown up in the later chapters of the story. Either of those options would've been good, but oh well. The Tokyo Mew Mew a la Mode manga that we ended up with is still a fun read, you just leave wishing that there was more to it.

So anyway, I'm done with my annual Fall/Winter Manga Reading list for another year. I've already changed the schedule for next year. For next year I've included the Sailor V and Sailor Moon manga, and I really had to move things around so that I'd read Sailor Moon and Tokyo Mew Mew in the same month. It felt a little weird, because to make it work I had to bump up the other manga on the list up a month earlier than it was before. Every now and then though, some traditions have to change to adapt to the times. Besides, if I don't like how the schedule goes next year, I can always change things back around. Well, I just wanted to share all that. Thanks for reading if you did.
