Out With the Old, In With the New

Well, today is the last day of 2011. I always get mixed emotions at this time of year. For one thing it means that the holiday party is just about over, and soon many of us will have to go back to school, or work, or whatever it is we all do during an ordinary day. It's also kinda sad because another year has gone down the drain, and we'll never get that year back. Then again it's also kinda nice that things are moving forward. A new year means new possibilities, so it's a little exciting too.

I believe that horror writer H.P. Lovecraft once said that the greatest fear is the fear of the unknown. I think he was right about that, because there are two great unknowns in life, death and the future. The future can be very frightening. Why do you think that The Ghost of Christmas Future in A Christmas Carol has such a spooky appearance? I think we're all scared of the future from time to time, that we all dread the outcome of certain things. There seem to be a lot of people out there who dread that at the end of next year the world will blow up or something. I'd like to know just what makes these people think that the Mayans knew when the world was going to end.

Anyway, most of the time the things we dread turn out to be nothing at all, that we were all just making a mountain out of a molehill. We can all dread 2012 if we want, but in the end it'll just be another year. And who knows, maybe 2012 will be a bad year for some, or maybe it'll be a really good year. We just don't know. Heck, chances are it'll just be another average year.

On that, sometimes I like to think about what the previous year was like. Was it a good year, was it a bad year, did I accomplish anything major? For me this past year had its good parts and bad parts, so it was an average year. As for major accomplishments, I think getting my driver's license counts. I also sometimes try to imagine what the next year will be like based on events that are planned for that year. For one thing I know that there will be the olympics and a presidential election this coming year, so that'll be a little crazy. I also know that Shonen Jump magazine is going completely digital, and I'm not sure how I feel about that. That's a subject for another post though.

Well, those are my thoughts on the subject. I'll close by saying that one of my hopes for this year is that Adult Swim will get some new anime. Right now the only new dubbed anime they have is Bleach, everything else is reruns. I mean it's like the CW 4kids Toonzai lineup. Anyway, Happy New Year.

