Stuck in Neutral

WARNING: A good chunk of this post is going to be a bit of a negative rant, or something close to it. Those who wish to avoid something like that may want to turn back now.

Ladies and gentlemen, Toto.

The reason I'm using the above song for this post is because it's kinda gotten stuck in my head. The reason for this is because yesterday I worked on this one-shot fanfic called Moonlit Wings, and the phrase that is that title just happens to be used in the lyrics of the above Toto song, Africa. Of course the one-shot in question did not reflect the song in any way. But it reminded me of the song, regardless. And now the song is stuck in my head. Not the worst song to get stuck in my head though. I got the one-shot up on FanFiction.Net yesterday afternoon, and that's a good thing because there's no way I can get any stories put up on that site today.

(Negative rant-type thing starts now)

So this morning I go to check my email and find that one of my favorite stories on FanFiction.Net has been updated. But when I went to the site, I found that I couldn't log in. There was some kind of 503 Error saying that the server was unavailable or something like that. It's been like that all day pretty much. It'd suck more if I had a story update I wanted to get up or something, but it's a pretty rotten thing to happen on a Saturday. If they don't get the problem fixed by tomorrow, I'm going to be really steamed. But of course, this thing with FanFiction.Net is just the tip of the iceberg.

Right now it kind of seems like I'm being forced to wait for certain things to happen before I can get on with stuff in my life. I'm now forced to wait for a server to be fixed before I can log back into one of my favorite websites. I've been waiting months to see whether or not a certain Yu-Gi-Oh card to be revealed before I can continue on this one fanfic. And recently I now have to wait for a tiny problem to be fixed on my car before I can drive out of town to shop for manga. Yesterday my dad took the car I use in to get the oil changed, and the mechanic found some kind of problem with some of the linkage components on the undercarriage. Apparently it's a minor problem, so my dad's going to wait until next month or the month after to get it fixed. But until then, it's a bit unsafe for me to drive the car out on the highways. So I'm kind of stuck right now.

Well, I think that does it for this post. I'd write more, but my dad and I have to be leaving in a few moments to see one of my aunt's plays. So until next time, I guess.
