Counter Petition

Good evening everyone. This next post is going to be on the serious side, but it will be brief. Some of you reading may have heard about a petition going on to try and get the U.N. to ban the world-wide distribution of anime and manga. While this petition is rather troubling, there's good news about it this time. Another petition is going on right now on to counter anime-manga ban petition and the close-minded fool who started it. A link to said petition is below.


To be honest, I don't really think this other horrid petition to ban anime and manga will amount to anything at the moment. But with issues like this, it's better to be safe than sorry. So please sign the petition if you haven't already done so. And when you get done, share this petition any way you can. Email your friends/family. Tell people on Facebook if you have an account there. Post about it here on TheO, or if possible any other site you may be a part of. If a resistance has to be started, then it should start as soon as possible.

Thank you for your time.
