I'm mainly posting this for myself to use as reference, but for anyone who might be interested here's a video of a high-level boss fight from SAO: Fatal Bullet.
For those actually interested in playing the game, this fight is from one of the DLC events for Fatal Bullet, but you get it from the start with if you get the complete edition of the game for the Nintendo Switch.
I myself haven't gotten this far into the game (my character is only at Level 96 if I remember right). In fact I'm kind of stuck on another boss from another DLC event that has what are essentially two mini-bosses backing it up, so right now it seems like I'll need to do some serious level-grinding to get any further. Of course right now I'm a little more eager to play the new Pokemon game coming out tomorrow anyway, so it's probably best I take a break.
In any case, playing Fatal Bullet has still served the purpose of helping me with research for a potential SAO fanfic set in the game world of GGO, and having a video of this crazy boss fight to reference will also be helpful. Don't know if I'll ever get that far in my own game, but anything's possible.
UPDATE: Here's another variation of the same boss fight. This video includes footage of Alice.
I don't know who's playing, but I'm definitely not on his level.