
this a intro to some Blog(LIES)
this is a opinionated BLog(true BUT LIES)
this is just plain crazy things

This is the main blog for the offline Life of Narutokhfighter

hehe, my current love >w<

la la la la la la la la la
this is the world about my life, if you don't wanna here about my life

Go Check out another one of my worlds
My fiction world
Book and Anime world *caution spoilers a lurk here*

You can start but if you talk about my worlds in a bad way, your on my REVENGE DIARY!!!

so this is about the good, the bad, the funny and life

....I dunno why dunt i have some mad love for this game as you can see by the themed world

the past videos posted up here


XD this post actually has nothing to do with sailor moon
i just love crazy quotes or serious quotes
and this was a Quote from Uncle Yo

love him :D
if you've never heard him and ur a fan of anime and video game or either
look him up on youtube or if hes a convention go to his panel
he is funny and crazy XD
the Delicious Happy Fluffy Pink Cupcake of Redundant Happiness!!!

but back to life
but umm
im failing american studies and english
umm wow
and i havent said this before but
I GOT it like a month a go
and i can only play it when i have like tons of time
so memorial day sunday/saturday is gonna me in a dark room playin g it XD

yeah life......(this post is really random XD) i got an I-pod :D
happy happyness!!
AND I BOUGHT IT WITH MY OWN MONEY! :D (and my parents coupons XD)
External Image

this is what it looks like :D
i am sooo happy!! :D

and also the feared book in my class
we dont have to read it:D
Feared book=Equus
.......i heard bad things from about seven people and they were like
"he stabs all the horses eyes out after he has sex with the girl"
"HE RODE A HORSE NAKED AND came on it!!"

my reaction : OAO I DUNT WANNA READ IT!!!

it even says it on wikipedia

and yeah
and Tuna92(troy) (my friends got an account on here)
he makes horse noise when the teacher mentions Equus
Fighter: *slaps tuna* "O MY GOD SHUT UP!!"
Fighter: "SHUT UP!!! UGHHHH!!"

its like that everyday XD

and yeah so tuna92 got an account on here that adds a name to the list on my friends IRL that have accounts on here


and Tuna92 is the only guy on that list XD

well i've gotta go
ja ne minna-san


i cant seem to catch a surfing/flying pikachu8 T-T

but what ever
i'll catch something in the new unlocked areas and the new gift

but yeah long time no bloggie blog

..... .__. not joking i will take a rusty spork and *BEEP* *BEEP* *BEEP*
yeah umm
my friends and us went to salsa dancing
and well my partner(Troy) and i
just started dancing like crazy XD he spun me like crazy and i had fun

my friend Ericka and Nora danced together and it was funny
but it was soo cute to see Luna(carolyn) and her bf(Dennis) awkwardly dance

and it was funny when luna's bf (he's a nut) he grabbed my partner (awkward kid but he's fun) and they started dancing
Troy's face was SO PRICELESS!!!
yeah and then laterish my friends were badgering into my love life again. so apparently me and troy are adorable together .___.
from .....all of my friends

physics day was last week and


yeah XD

i sleep with it every day XD

well i took a does your child have ADHD for myself and
it said positive
exact words "Your child may have ADHD Predominantly Inattentive Type. Keep in mind that symptomatic impairment is often present before the age of seven years and must be present in two or more settings (e.g., at school and at home)."

..........and i actually am not surprised XD

but back to random stuff

i've had a some what liking to korean songs
but i've now got a full out love to them ♥o♥ so kewl1!!!

i love 2pm and wondergirls

well im gonna end this blog
je ne minna-san


Do you know anyone with the name Sam? - a classmate

I am Sam, by the way. What's your name? Naru Maru

What's more appealing to you: Exotic-unique names, or normal names? - unique names are sexy! :D

Do you use spoons or forks for ice cream? - Spoons... .___.

When was the last time you ate a Yoplait yogurt? - never? i think

When you were younger, did you ask your parent(s) for a pony/horse? - No.....

Ever had a freaky school project? - ....i was a british mart sells person XD

Has something ever traumatized you? - yes....

You ever had a word that you said in practically every sentence? -like like like

Are you one of the people who can't stand 'American Idol'? - i just dunt watch it AMERICAS BEST DANCE CREWS WHERE ITS AT!

Have you ever met a celebrity? Who? (if no then write some random thing) - no..

What did you have for dinner 2 weeks ago, on Thursday? - umm i dunno fish?

Are you, or know someone who is an atheist? -i know

Aren't Converse All-Stars awesome? - YEAH I KNOW RIGHT! IM WEARIN A PAIR NOW!! XD

Does TV deteriorate the mind? - ...only stupid shows

How old are you, sir (or ma'am)? - 16.5 :D

Ever been to IHOP? - .______. they're pancake are like crack YOU CANT STOP EATING THEM!!!

Do you know the reason that the sky is blue, or don't you? - ....no and why do i care

Ever dreamt of becoming an astronaut? - no cant stand space

Is space scary to you because we are unaware of how wide or long it is? - no..

Which gender is more superior? - males have natural muscle but FEMALE CAN GET BETTER AND WE HAVE BRAINS!! BWAHAHAH!

Be honest, are you more about looks or personality in a partner? - personality...look alone is just eye candy with umm benefits >.>

Do you, or know someone who paints their toenails? - i do:D they're blackish purple or blue now :D

Why is it that you get so bored? Life not exciting enough? - im a boring person? XD idk

Ever been told you were absolutely nuts? - too many to count

What is your favorite Airline? -.... it dunt matter to me

?Puede hablar usted espa?ol? - Si, Yo hablo en espanol. yo es en el clase de espanol

If you didn't understand that then answer No above (:

Are you hungry? - sorta

Do you like the color purple? - yeah its cool

Do you like new or classic music better?- ..either :D

How about in terms of cars? (new or classic) - im an idiot with cars

Have you ever seen your love/crush kissing someone else? - yeah but thats always....i have a crush and i dunt do much then they get a girlfriend... thats just life for me

Ever seen a crush/love kissing your friend? - .......that'd be odd but no

Laptop or Regular computer? - laptop would be nice but regular computer

What is your favorite type of weather? - nice sunny with alittle breeze

Do you live in Los Angeles or New York? - neither

Ever seen the movie, 'The Wizard of Oz'? - Yes! i wanna go to OZ!!

Which is better Jack in the Box mini sirloin burgers or BK'S mini burgers? - BK's mini burgers

Have you ever eaten at Western Sizzlin' or the Sizzler? - wut?

Do birds chirp a lot near your home? - yeah alot!

Do you have a pet or pets? - no just in my imagination

Have you ever won a goldfish at a fair/carnival? - that'd be cool but naw

Isn't littering wrong? - yeah D: t kills animals!

Do you have a crush? or a boyfriend/girlfriend? - neither

Would/Have you ever cheat(ed) on someone? - i'd hate if someone cheated on me im not gonna be that person someone puts their heart into and crush them... ._______. im not a cunt

Has love been good to you? - ...i wish but no

Do you like Ford Mustangs? - wuts that?

Is 'hot' a compliment, or a temperature? - hmmm both! :D

Would you rather be an ant, or a whale? (tiny or huge)- so beached or crushed neither

Do you know your IQ? - i dunno

Do you know what IQ stands for? - Intelligence Quotient (didnt even bother changing the last answer)

Did you know there is a 2 year old with an iQ of 156? That's crazy! - hmm my future child XD

What cell phone do you have/or want? - i have Verizon, its pretty okay

Yahoo or Google? For Email. - neither aim! and yahoo XD

Yahoo or Google? As a Search Engine.- Google

Do you ever think that maybe one day pigs WILL fly? - ....... they flew i mean if a pig had to get from Pennsylvania to Utah, r u gonna drive it?

Would you be courageous enough to be a bull fighter? - heck no

Which do you say more often, 'Yikes!' or 'Whoa!'? - WHOA!

This is a break for you. No question. Just type any random thing.- TALKIN ANTEATER!!

Back to business. Do you like the band paramore? - i LOVE PARAMORE!! HALEY WILLAMS FTW!

Are you one of those Twilight freaks? - used too.. sadly but it got stupid

Are you a book worm, or the opposite? - bookworm :D

Does music make you more intelligent or decrease your knowledge? - increases....except with songs that are really studpid

Act like a genius, and sound extraordinarily intelligent right now! - BLUE BOOBS IN THREE-DEE!!!

What is your honest opinion on abortion? Would you do it? - abortion is murder but idunno theres good reasons and bad reasons to do it

Do you or do you not wear a purity ring? - i dunt wear one .___.

Regular bacon or Turkey Bacon? - regular.. >>

Do you cuss/swear? - MOTHER*BLEEP* *bleep* this *bleep!!!*

Do you own a watch? - used to but i dunt

Do you think that sun block truly protects you from harmful UV rays? -.. i dunno

Do you know what UV rays stand for?- Ultra violent

Is Perez Hilton really the 'Queen of Media'? - Perez is the guy paris can do what she did in south park for all i care

Do you know what causes a headache? - to many bothersome things

Can people's brains actually hurt from thinking TOO hard? - yeah .__.

Own a Wii or other video game console? -....yeah .__.

Have a pair of Vans shoes lying around somewhere? - i wish they are sexy shoes

How often do you pray? If you ever pray at all... - Sometimes

At your school, is/was it called Homeroom or Advisory? - homeroom .__.

Do you like Coldplay? - i dunt like and dunt hate coldplay i dunt listen to them is all

Do you spell love: LUV or LOVE? - lovr but luv over text

Can you see the hairs on your face? (not including mustache, or beard) - umm yeah sorta

Do you like Universal Studios? - ehh yeah its fun

Are you tired or full of energy currently? - tired .__.

Are you introverted or extroverted or don't know what either means? - introverted till u get to know me

Are you REALLY going to post this somewhere? - Yes i typed this long thing so far i'd might as well

Are you embarrassed easily? - i try and act like i dont but i do XD

Isn't photography amazing? - Yeah! its so great especially when its nature

Do you like muffins? - cupcakes FTW!! MUFFINS ARE UGLY CUPCAKES!!

Be honest, do you still, every once in a while, watch Spongebob? - SpongeBob will never die i watch it still!

Who came up with the phrase 'Come out of the closet'? - some person i dunno

When was the last time you met someone named Nick? - my friend nick at school

Ever had a crazy dream about your crush? What happened? - yeah we kissed but this was a long time ago

Are you in Pacific or Eastern Timing? Or neither? - eastern

Do you like meat, or are you a vegetarian? - meaat, but im actually thing of becoming a semi-vegetarian

What was the coolest dinosaur ever? - MIKASAROUS

Congratulations, 100 QUESTIONS COMPLETED! Round of applause. - .____. i feel umm accomplished?

When did you last get a cramp in your calf? - this winter when i stretched while i was in bed,

Did you know a calf is another word for a baby cow? - .. .__. VEAL!!!

Ever had growing pains? - sadly

Which is worse

Love of being sick or Sick of being loved - love of sick

Chocolate Moose (the animal) or a Penguin in a Tuxedo (a real one)? -choclate moose penguins rock!

Humans walking on hands or Animals floating upside down? - .......animals floating....one may drop a Hershey chocolate

That was a bit boring, huh? Not long enough, either. - ..i have time

Do you use WiFi or A device that gives you internet access? - a device

Who's the first person near you within a 10 feet radius? - my ds? XD

Ever worn a garlic necklace to protect yourself from vampires? - no, i'd love it if a vampire bit me XD

Isn't that silly? - ..this tag is odd

Are you superstitious on Friday the 13th? - lucky day!

Are you a male or a female? - ......isnt that the first question you usually ask, girl

Live in a house, apartment, condo, or other? -a house

Do you drive a car yet? - i wish

Do you think that this generation of youth is spoiled and ungrateful? - some....

Do you think that this generation of youth has terrible taste in music? - no i like our music

Ever been complimented on your intelligence? -XD yeah but im an idiot XD

Have you been insulted because of your intelligence level? - ...sadly yes

Are you an expert at finding grammatical errors in web documents? - nope not at all

Are/were you good in your English classes in school? - umm b-

What's your greatest phobia? - being rejected

Do you give into teenage gossip? - ..umm i try not to

Do you have both of your parents still? - .. i dunno i guess if u'd call them together

Ever thought that rap stood for 'Retards Attempting Poetry'? - .__. bad rap only never good rap

Have you ever contemplated writing your own genre of music? - i'd fail epicly

What is one thing you wish you had? I wish I had a better vocabulary. - .....i wish i had allotta things

Ever read a book for FUN and ENTERTAINMENT instead of television? - yeah its fun

Do you need or use glasses or contacts? - glasses but i need contacts

Has your wallet or purse ever been stolen off the streets? - No, and i'm happy it wasnt

Do you wear cologne or perfume daily? - nope, icant remember to do it every morning

When was your last date? - umm if jr prom counts AWESOME!

Do you consider Hollister shoppers to be 'Preps'? - YEAH....

Do you despise or love cheerleaders? - ehh depends on whether they are annoying

What would you name your first child? - boy: Jayden girl: Alica/Kira

Do you plan on marriage one day? - Hopefully yes

Do you keep a diary/journal that you ACTUALLY put entries in? - umm i used to

What did you eat for breakfast last Tuesday? - umm cereal

Ever had breakfast at noon? - only during summer and weekends

Ever bought gigantic sunglasses? - they're unattractive, to me so i dunt even wear them XD

Do you like Sees lollipops? - XD

Do you have any siblings? - bro and sis

Would/Do you annoy them like crazy? - ehh theres an age gap so not really

Do you have a New Hampshire quarter? - yeah?

Name to me types of dogs you know: - chihahaha, poodle and thats all XD

Do you have a photographic memory? - i wish

If you do, try and memorize the next question it will be asked for later. -.___. okay?

If I told you that a dollar bill was near your room, would you believe me?? - no, u dunt know my home!

Don't forget it, now. Anywho, do you like Disney singers? - older ones were better

Do you have a pack of huge tacks anywhere? - ..no?

Do you use fluorescent light bulbs? It's eco-friendly! - i think i dunt buy the light bulbs

Will the polar bears go extinct before you die? - no im betting on penguins

Are you 50% psychic? - hmm i dunno i haven't had any psychic moments lately

Ever bought a turtle? - noo.....

Ever eaten sushi and hated it? - sushi = ♥♥♥♥♥

Is tape really invisible? - no just clear

Do you like Hot Limon Cheetos? - hmm sounds tasty

When did you last eat a Quiznos or Subway sandwich? - last month probably

Ever heard of a Samwich? - yeah :D

Use red or blue pens more? - red more

What's the weather mostly where you live? - nice and sunnyish now

What about temperature? - 70's

Where was your last vacation? -baltimore

Was there a special occasion? - no just a convention

How old were you at your first wedding? - 11-12

What is your dream job? - Artist or something where i do nothing

Met your true love yet? - i dunno

Do you know someone who recently found their true love? - i think i do know someone like that

What is your favorite continent? - Europe and Asia

What is the best flavor in the world? - pomegranate, strawberry and pinapple

Eat barbeque sauce as a snack? -ewww!

Are you too stereotypical? - sometimes

Do you like basketball, football, soccer, or baseball more? - umm soccer cause i enjoy playing it more

Ever been to FreeRice.com? - just now

So, are you more or less bored since you started? - hmm probably the same level

If on a laptop, how much battery do you have left? I have 65% - UNLIMITED ITS A NORMAL COMPUTER!

How tall are you? - 5'6-5'7

Do you think future generations might see this survey on Bzoink in 2999? - who knows maybe

Have you realized that we are in A.D. time? - ....elementary kiddies

Just think, 3013 A.D. they might think of us, too. We'd be ancient to them - .___. them and they confounded flying machine!!!

Are you a compassionate person? - what does that word mean XD

Is the mirror your best friend or your worst enemy? - worst friend -__-

Your opinion on French Fries: - BK AND MICKY D'S ARE THE BEST!!

Do you say potatoes or potaters? - Potatoes

What is your favorite TV series? - Americas best dance crew

What about favorite webpage? - Theotaku, gaia, and other sites

Do you say webpage or website? Website

Did you know the government was looking at your last sent email?? - I DID NOTY HAVE SEXUAL RELATIONS WITH THAT SHOTA *IS SHOT*

Is there a UFO within 2,000 miles of you? - hope its friendly

What would your reaction be if a meteor was falling into Earth? - it was bounded t happen again

What is your greatest accomplishment? - passing a physics test

What is your favorite cellular providing company? - umm duno

What song is the most annoying to you?- -_______- probably some miley cyrus songs

Do you have road rage? - i have Simpson's road rage the game

Ever been to the South? - yeah great place

Ever saw the great ocean? Which Ocean? - i think not

Give yourself another round of applause, 200 questions completed! - ........*dies*

But, we're back to questions. How do you feel? - *twitchs*

Ever told someone 'I feel like a million bucks!'? - no....

How does it feel to feel like money? Papery? - great! like i have power

Are you literal or not so serious? - not serious at all XD

If there was a 100 ft tall, 900 lb. spider, would you be frightened? - run the hell away!!

Ever wondered why you took this LONG survey in the first place - i dunt

It may NEVER end. How would you feel about that? - dammit

Do you use any Instant messaging programs? - yeah aim

Have an email address? - afew

Do you know a homosexual who can't find love? - hmm i guess idunno

Are you staring at a stain on a piece of clothing? - No...why?

Favorite part of the opposite gender: - the personality, and eyes

What word comes to mind when I say monkey? - bubbles

Do you celebrate holidays? - Yes

How many bottles of Windex are at the nearest store?? Find out!! .....20?

Ever wanted to pierce something you weren't allowed to pierce? - my lip would be cool

Please, don't tell me where you wanted it! Instead write something random. JHFKKKDKSKKKDKKDFK

Have you ever experienced heartburn? - i think?

Does it really feel like your heart is burning? -no

When did you last eat popcorn? - two weeks ago

Were you toy crazy as a young child? - yeah sadly XD

Are you mature for your age? - ...im so immature XD its sad

Were you ever interested in psychology? The study of the mind. -yeah i wanted to major in it at one point

You ever been in an earthquake? Where was it? - no

Do you know what the longest survey on Bzoink is? - this stupid thing

Well, do you know how many questions it has? - ......... i dunt wanna count!!

What is your favorite city? - i dunno

Do you prefer the colon: or the semi-colon;? - : ?

Did you realize I wrote that grammatically incorrect? -no

Sandals or sneakers? - both

Do your feet sweat in the heat? - .....i think not

What color is your right pinky's nail? -black and white

Ever wonder why it's called the 'pinky'? It's not PINK? - ........im tired it dunt matter

Did you know our blood cells are actually blue-ish but turn red in oxygen? - yeah .__.

I couldn't say that last question right because of the limited space......- nice

So, what's up? - the sky u?

Who is your best friend? - alotta people

Who is your favorite cousin? - umm lydia and scottisa

Are you bored, STILL?? - YES!

Do you use hand sanitizer? - yeah

How many hours of sleep did you get, last time you slept? - 8 hours

What is the current time? 12:56 am

Are you as bored as I am? - yeah .__.

Well, how would you know how bored I am compared to your boredom? - ..how does a orange eat a watermelon

CAPS or lower case? - either

What color of eyes is the most beautiful to you? - gray

Do you own a camera? - yeah

Have you had lunch today? - fries

How about dinner? - nope

What is the best car ever made? - i dunno

Is facial hair on men revolting? -no goatees are cute

Do you like circular or triangular shaped lips? Look closely at them. - tri?

Do you have hairy arms? - no

Which type of food is best Chinese, Japanese, American, Italian, or Mexican - either is great!

How do you greet someone? - hello

Do you agree that swearing is strongly inappropriate at all times? - No not at all
Have you ever been in love? - i dunno

In love with someone who you can clearly never have as your own? -...no love interest now .__.

What was your childhood comfort item? - Oliver my kitty plushie

What color is your room? - lilac

Have an annoying family member? -who doesnt!

Do you have a psychologist, lawyer, or medical doctor in your family? - nurse?

I have a question for you, what did I ask you to remember? That if there was a dollar bill near my room, would I believe you.

Did you remember it, yes or no? - yeah

Have you eaten at Panda Express? - HOT CHOCOLATE!
What is the current time? - 1:02am

Are you keeping track of the number of questions you've answered? - WHY WOULD I DO THAT!

You have answered each question honestly, right? - Yeah

Are you listening to any music? -yes
Put some AWESOME Lyrics here -"god placed a permanent rain cloud over my head but he was kind enough to lend me a holy umbrella"
Do you draw hearts in your notebook? (if you're a girl, if not then skip) - sometimes

When and where is your next vacation? - july 2010 baltimore

How are you planning on getting to this place?- car

What's your favorite way of transportation? - walking

Can you guess my age? - 9001

How old do you think I am? - 55

What color would the sky be, if the ocean was red? - pink

Do you understand the theory of E=MC (I can't do the squared part) - ysadly yes

Ebay or Craigslist? - either

Ever bought magazine-like paper from Kinkos? -no..

What is your favorite flower? - any

Regular pencils or mechanical pencils? - Mechanical

Has the weather changed since I last asked? No

Are you sweating? No

Name 3 things you would take with you on a deserted island: charged phone,water and a survival how to book
If there was 27 seconds left before the sun exploded, what would you do? - CONFESS!! to everything

Do you ever wish there was no such thing as 'Last Words'? - nope

Are you deep or shallow? - i dunno

Are you a rock-a-holic? (for L.A folks only; write something random if not) - ......

Do you own a printer? - yeh and its outta ink

What kind of internet do you have? High speed or dial up? - High speed

You don't call fat people whales do you? That's wrong! - thats mean!

I find people who have constant moving feet a nuisance. Don't you? - no

Are you lactose intolerant? - nope

If not, when did you last eat pizza? - a week ago

Are you currently bloated? - Nope

CONGRATULATIONS!! 300 QUESTIONS COMPLETED. you deserve a break! -...gh *dead*

what color cell phone is best looking? - silver, black

does it bother you that i am writing all in lower case? - Nope

i'll stop, is that okay? - k

Do you know how to skateboard? -i wish

Snowboard? - No

Surf? - Nope

Do you like to write? - Depends

Do you like to ride bikes? _no

Do you like green eggs and ham? - ..i am not sam

Is curly hair cute or crazy? - depends

Is straight hair awesome or dull? - either

Are bald people jealous of haired people or not? - not really

Ever used an aspirin for something other than a pain? - no
Is lipstick disgusting? - yeah -___-

What do you do when you're bored? - sleep or draw

Have you ever been told that you're too quiet? - A-lot

What would you like for dinner tomorrow? -fish

Don't you hate when an adult annoys you? - YES

Do you smoke? You shouldn't it's a health hazard. - I know it's a health hazard, and I don't

Do you drink? You shouldn't it's a health hazard. - underaged

Are cupcakes delicious or what? - yeah!

Ever had fun with magnets? - yay!

Are you a genius? - i dunnoo

Have you ever been told that you were 'Brilliant'? - Nah, just very smart and a good speller

How was the meteorologist wrong about the weather last time? - He said rain...no rain

Are you engaged? - no

Do you like Yahoo Answers? - no

Do you have a favorite spot to sit in? - no

What is your favorite sport to watch? - None...

What is your favorite sport to play? - I don't play any...x.x

Are you even athletic? - No, I guess not

Do you watch the Olympics when it's on? - Nope

Do you have smiling eyes? - WTF

Do you have a good heart? (Doesn't mean medical conditions) - IDK

Would you want to be in love right now? - I am already

Name one reason why you're bored: - I can't sleep

Are you hungry, now? - No

Ever shopped at Aeropostale, Abercrombie & Fitch, or Hollister? - No

Ever wore a dress? - Yeah for a funeral

What is your race? - Human

Ever been in a race? Did you win? - A few....about 50/50

Are you a sore loser? - Nope

Do you need to bathe (shower or bath)? - Just took one

How many light switches are located in your home? - 30+

Is your cell phone ringing right now? - Nope

Are you glad? - Yeah

Last question... Was this a LONG survey? - yes BYE!


57 girl confessions

1. Is it cute when guys kiss you on your forehead?
yeah but i've never really been kissed on the forehead by a guy outside my family XD

2. A big poofy dress or a short party dress?
awesome knee lengthen party dress

3. What would you do if you received a long love letter?
umm panic and be like "OMG WHO WAS IT!!! IM SI SCARED!!"

4. Group dates or single dates?
Never been on a date .___. i think?

5. Do you hate it when guys act different around their friends?

6. Are diamonds a girl’s best friend?
Not really, i like rubies or more

7. Is your hair up or down today?
Down :D

8. Do you straighten your hair?
no ... .___.

9. Favorite mascara?
hm i dunt wear them alot

10. Do you get your nails done?
sometimes not alot

11. Small or large purses?
medium/big or wat eva works

12. In your purse, what are your must haves?
Cell phone, MP3, money, book, ds, games, lipbalm, and otherstuff whoknows

13. Jeans or sweats?
Jeans or black sweats XD

14. Do you wear clothes/shoes/jewelry that’s uncomfortable?
No, but sometimes i do to break them in

15. Do you text message a lot?
...hmm more then a parent less then the average teen

16. What would you do if you got pregnant?
.........scream and panic

17. What’s your favorite color?

18. Heels or flats?
Flats life is easier with flats

19. Did you ever cry during a romantic movie?
Nhmm no sad movies

20. Would you ever leave the house without make-up on?
i wouldnt care unless its a formal thing

21. Walmart or Target?

22. Do you wear collared shirts?
yeah :D

23. Do you like preppy boys?
yeah but if he's a jerk, IMMA KNOCK HIS BLOCK OFF!! XD

24. Do you think lip gloss is the best!?
only if its strawberry or something good smelling :D

25. Do you own any big sunglasses?
no thats lame

26. How long does it take you to get ready in the morning?
30 minutes

27. Do you like to wear band-aids?
only if i have a cut

28. Do you like skater boys?
:D they cute but ........THEY'RE JERKS!! (only a few are okay)

29. Do you often wish there was something you could change?
doesnt everyone wish they could

30. Gold or silver?
Silver >> Lugia FTW XD

31. Do you like to receive flowers?
yes what girl doesnt

32. Do you like surfer boys?
umm i only met one so yea i guess

33. Do you dress up for the holidays?
.....sweaters and dress pants

34. Do you like to wear dresseses?
only nice ones
35. On a scale of 1-10 how much do guys confuse you?
15 they all do

36. In the last 48 hours have you hung out with a guy?
yeah i was in school

37. Would you date a guy shorter than you?
.___. sure if he had personality and he didnt confuse me like most guys

38. Do you like to hold hands?
it feels nice, to fee---- NOTHING!!! >////>

39. What is the youngest you would date?
2 year younger now but when im in my twenties 5 years younger the limit

40. What is the oldest you would date?
4-5 .__. im willing to date college people

41. What do you notice when you first meet a guy?
Eyes, smile, hair >>
42. Is it hott when guys sweat?
the looks yeah the smell, sweaty smell, EWWWWWW!!

43. What is the best feature in a guy?
Eyes, hair, and personality (athletic body type)

44. Do you like making eye contact?
...i get nervous and look down

46. Would you kill for chocolate?
no i have a mnot so high sweet tooth

47. Did you ever spend all day/night getting pretty for a guy?
.______. not really.....

48. On a scale from 1-10 how fun is shopping?

49. Do you freak out if you miss your favorite show?

50. Do you yell a lot?
i should yell alittle more

51. Do you wear sweatpants/pajamas to school/work?
not at all

52. Have you ever dressed unlike yourself to impress a guy?
never! if i wanna impress a guy, im gonna impress him with my own style

53. Do you write a lot of mushy love poems?

54. What makeup could you not live w/ out?
umm lip balm/lip gloss ...chap lips not fun

55. Do you fall in love easily?
sorta but i fall outta it easily, except if its worth it

56. Do you have cramps?
.....what lucky girl doesnt! i wanna know *holds bat*

57. Do you think you have the bestest friend ever?
yeah!! more then 1!!

a tag everyone!! xD

tag(i do too many of these XD)


Eye Color: brown
Hair Color: black(natural), red/orange(now)
Height: 5'7
Favorite Color: black/red
Screen Name: fatedfighter, fatedXninja, narutokhfighter, 13sasukelovesong, 13mikelovesong
Favorite Show: america's best dance crew, music channels, south park, sarah silverman program
Your Hometown: all ya need to know is I CAN GET A PHILLY CHEESESTEAK!!
Your Present Town: the Hidden Leaf village
Your First Crush's Name: ...i think it was adam... i totally forget XD
Your Grade: 11th beetch, next year will be my last year


Sat on your rooftop?
--No, but i want to do that at night
Kissed someone in the rain?
--i havent kissed anyone yet XD
Danced in a public place?
--yeah and sung too XD
Smiled for no reason?
Laughed so hard you cried?
--too many times to count
Peed your pants after age 8?
Written a song?
--umm never XD
Sang to someone for no reason?
--yeah but i still wanna get payed for it
Performed on a stage?
--hmm in chorus
Talked to someone you don't know?
Gone out of your way to befriend someone?
--sadly yes, 1/2 were actually good
Made out in a theater?
--......with the popcorn yeah XD jk not at all
Been in love?
-- ......i dunt know the feeling except for toward family


Say HI to you?
--my niece
Tell you, I love you?
--my mom
Kiss you?
--nobody *has been kissed or given kisses today XD*
Hug you?
--my friend nora
Tell you BYE?
--my niece and sister
Write you a note?
--my friend mike yesterday
Take your photo?
--Purple's mom at the track meet with purple
Buy you something?
--hmm my buddy Troy jr. prom ticket
Write a poem about you?
--ted *a long time ago* he
Touch you?
-- touch.... sexually NOT A BOY/GIRL! physically everyone XD


Time you cried?
--last week
Time you laughed?
-- like an hour ago
Song you've sang?
-- Starduster by Miku Hatsune (covered by: Rockleetist)
Time you've looked at the clock?
-- ....a second ago
Drink you've had?
-- water
Book you've read?
-- Spiral
Food you've eaten?
-- pizza
Shoes you've worn?
--my black flip-flops *had to go out to the garage*
Store you've been in?
--umm rite aid
Thing you've said?
-- "I STOLE A HUG!!" *to 4 year old niece*


Write with both hands?
-- Nope
-- nope
Roll your tongue in a circle?
Cross your eyes?
-- yeah >___<
Touch your tongue to your nose?
--i've got a short tongue
--umm if u call doing what u want to music dancing yes....
Stay up a whole night without sleep?
-- once
Speak a different language?
-- hmm im learning spanish and japanese
Impersonate someone?
-- i do i horrible job ut yeah
Make a card pyramid?
-- nope
Cook anything?
-- im a maniac with the griller


If I were a ... dude i'd be a manwhore jk no i'd be a punk-black dude
I wish ... life were slightly more common sense orientated
So many people don't know that ... being racist is out of style and will never come back, like cavemen clothes
I am ... a cat-fox
My heart is ... confused