
this a intro to some Blog(LIES)
this is a opinionated BLog(true BUT LIES)
this is just plain crazy things

This is the main blog for the offline Life of Narutokhfighter

hehe, my current love >w<

la la la la la la la la la
this is the world about my life, if you don't wanna here about my life

Go Check out another one of my worlds
My fiction world
Book and Anime world *caution spoilers a lurk here*

You can start but if you talk about my worlds in a bad way, your on my REVENGE DIARY!!!

so this is about the good, the bad, the funny and life

....I dunno why dunt i have some mad love for this game as you can see by the themed world

the past videos posted up here

tagged thing

i got this from arcticwulf

[x] you love hoodies (I have a half a closet full of them)
[x] you love jeans (….I wear them everyday)
[] dogs are better than cats (kitties are better)
[x] its hilarious when people get hurt. (…yes…so funny)
[x] you've played with/against boys on a team. (yeah and WE LOST!! YEAH, BOY!!!……eh hem)
[] sometimes shopping is torture
[] sad movies suck
[ ] you own an XBOX
[x] you played with Hot Wheels as a little kid
[ ] at some point in life you wanted to be a firefighter
[x] you own/owned a DS, PS2, or Sega (onii-san had a sega and I had a DS and have a PS2)
[x] you used to be obsessed with Power Rangers (I can still find power ranger valentines cards, from when I was younger)
[] sometimes you watch sports on TV (no)
[ ] gory movies are cool (no)
[x] you go to your dad for advice [Sometimes]
[ ] you own like a trillion baseball hats (not baseball caps)
[ ] you used to/do collect football collector cards (pokemon, digimon, yu-gi-oh, but that’s all)
[x] baggy sweatpants are cool to wear ( there soft and loose)
[ ] its kind of weird to have sleepovers with a bunch of people
[x] green, black, red, blue, or silver are one of your favorite colors (nice colors)
[x] you love to go crazy and not care what other people think (HECK YEA!!!)
[x] sports are fun (certain ones)
[x] sometimes you talk with food in your mouth ( don’t like to but I may sometimes)
[] sometimes you sleep at night with your socks on (no, I’m like L, from Death Note. Never wears socks and walks around barefooted)
[] you have fished at least once
TOTAL = 13

[x] you love to shop
[x] you wear eyeliner
[x] sometimes you go to your mom for advice
[] you consider cheer leading a sport
[ ] you hate wearing the color black [Black clothes are smexy]
[x] you like going to the mall
[ ] you like getting manicures and/or pedicures [No]
[x] you like wearing jewelry
[ ] you cried watching The Notebook [???.]
[ ] skirts are a big part of your wardrobe
[] shopping is one of your hobbies ]
[x] you don't like the movie Star Wars (don’t kill me!! But I never seen it)
[ ] you are/were in gymnastics
[x] it takes you around one hour to shower
[] you smile a lot more than you should (people call me a gloomy emo girl, so no)
[x] you have more than 10 pairs of shoes (to many to count)
[x] you care about what you look like (yes)
[] you like wearing dresses when you can (I wear fancy pants when I have to wear a dress)
[x] you wear body spray/perfume (when I feel like it)
[x] you like high heel shoes (sometimes)
[x] you used to play with dolls as a kid (barbies, and I hate then now)
[ ] you like putting makeup on others (I wanna but I can’t)
[ ] you like being the star of almost everything (no)
[] pink is one of your favorite colors
Total- 12

i tagged no one

tagged for fun!

i got this from Arcticwulf,

|| NOW ||
[ Current Clothes ] a black sweater and light jeans
[ Current Mood ] bored, and calm
[ Current Music ] 'When The Moon Met The Sun' by 'Panic At The Disco!'
[ Current Taste ] water with fruit punch, stuff in it
[ Current Make-up ] lip balm
[ Current Hair] down and sorta shaggy
[ Current Annoyance] Don't have one any now
[ Current Smell ] lavender
[ Current thing I ought to be doing ] getting ready for school
[ Current Desktop Picture] Momiji(for Fruits Basket)
[ Favorite Group ] dunno
[ Current Book you're reading ] Cirque Du Freak: Sons Of Destiny
[ Current DVD in player ] Princess Princess: Vol 3
[ Current Color Of Toenails ] Black
[ Current Refreshment] water with some stuff in it
[ Current Worry ] that i'll forget my lunch tomrrow

|| FIRSTS ||

First best friend: Uhm...Can't remember
First car: i'm 15, i won;t get a car until next year
First job: helping my friend at her realastate job, when i was twelve
first screen name: Ktty13803 (i still have it, at aol)
First self purchased album: i think it was A (don't laugh) N'SYNC
First funeral: never been to one
First pets: My Cat, T'presious
First credit card: don't havge one
First enemy: i have alot so i forgot
First big trip: to DISNEYWORLD!!!!
First play/musical/performance: not sure


Kissed you: on the cheek my mom, but lips, never
Held you: i don't have a boyfriend
Slept in your bed: my naruto plushie
Made you cry: ......not sure
You went to the movies with: my parents dragged me to the movies
Yelled at you: my mom
Sent you an email: to my little friend, Dan S


Said "I love you" and meant it?: To my parents
Kept a secret from everyone: i'm keeping secrets now
What time is it now?: 8:22pm
Apples or bananas?: apples!!
Blue or red?: both
Spring or Fall?: hmm, i hate both. my allergies act up in both but i like spring better
winter or summer?: hmmm, i like summer because of my birythday and vacation but winter's weather is nice
goth or punk?: Goth
What are you gonna do after you finish this?: look at the backroom
What was the last meal you ate? dinner
Are you bored?: Yes, very
Last noise you heard?: the song i'm listening to
Last smell you sniffed?: dinner(fried catfish, mmmmm)
Last time you went out of state/province?: septemeber


Criminal record?: no......
Do you speak any other languages?: some spanish, gibbish and some japanese
Name favorite things in your bedroom?: My bed and my book cases
Name one thing you dislike about yourself: i can't make friends, so easily
Worst feeling in the world: loneliness and betrayment

I Love------my family and friends
I Miss-------Max!!!!!!!!
I Wish------I wasn't so clumsy
I Hope------I get a decent guy to like me
I'm Annoyed by------childish people
I Am------a LEO!!!!
I Want to-------get payed!!!!

|| DO YOU ||

Do you like candles? when the smell is good
Do you like incense? sorta
Do you like the taste of blood? it taste salty, and it is good
Do you believe in love? Yes
Do you believe in soul mates? Yes
Do you believe in love at first sight? sorta
Do you believe in Heaven? Yes
What do you want done with your body when you die? buried
What is the latest you've ever stayed up? 4 or 5
Can you eat with chopsticks? expert!!! (i can eat rice, dranged in soy sance)
What's something you wish people would understand? WHAT I'M SAYING, SOMETIMES!!!
What's something you wish you could understand? why people are so nosy about me and what i do

|| HAVE YOU EVER... ||

Kissed someone: kissed my family members on the cheek
Killed someone: no
Smoked : no
Gotten Drunk: no
Worn rainbow: HELL NO, that'd look so horrible
Talked on the phone for over 3 hours: ......that's something that i do alot
Left the country: no
Had a party with over 30 people: No
Taken nude pictures: no.....that's called being a whore
Stolen something: stole candy when i was little
Caught something on fire: i burned so
Wanted to cheat on someone: no, that's mean
Dumped someone: i told my friend i didn't wanna go out on a date with him
Had a dream, then the next day it happens: yeah, and that was freaky

|| LAST PERSON... ||
You Touched: ....i slapped my friend Nia's arm(for no good reason)
Sexually: ......again, i'm a fifthteen year old girl whos never had a boyfriend, you figure it out
You Talked to in person: My mothers
You hugged: .......i'm not sure
You Instant messaged: My friend Dennis

|| ARE YOU... ||
Understanding: yes
Insecure: very
Smart: i think i'm a dumb-ass
Moody: does the term "Emo girl" answer this
Difficult: maybe *shifty eyes*
Attractive: not really
Controlling: no
Happy: what's happiness these days!!
Trusting: way too
Talkative: very
Ignored: sorta
Reliable: i guess
Lonely: maybe

Tacos?: TACOS!!!!!!!
Bread?: yes
Veggies?: NO!
Pizza?: yes
Pretzels?: yes
Chocolate?: sorta
Garlic?: yes.
Veal?: isn't it like lasenea?
Chicken?: fried chicken
Ice cream?: yes
Hot Pockets?: yup
Popcorn?: yes
Pop Tarts?: maybe
Salad?: caesear salad only
Coke?: no
Pepsi?: no
Gatorade?: Yes

Bungee jumped?: no
Gotten a tattoo?: no
Sky dived?: no
Skinny dipped?: no
Gotten your tongue stuck to a cold pole?: i seen someone do it but that's all
Had pop rocks and coke together?: it was Sprite not coke
Played truth or dare?: Yeah
Puked on someone you really liked?: no, if i did. i'd move to a different country
Mixed sodas together?: yes
Had sushi?: yeah!!! eel, yellowtail, salmon and so many more
Had dejavu?: yes, alot these days for some reason
Hung up on someone?: yes, i have short temper, i do that alot
Used all cuss words in a sentence?: no, I can't do that. That'd be abit harsh for me
Stood on your head and drank milk?: No.
Cried during a movie: Yes........
Swallowed gum?: yup, and it tasted good
Eaten glue?: no
Slept for more than 15 hrs?: YUP, a few times
been in love?: I have no idea.

i tag anyone who likes Naruto!! bwahhhhh!!!!!!

life as vampire, un. just kidding, un!! lol, un

well that Obama thing on friday was fun
my friends, i made my friend's(well she is my friend too but yeah)(dan) girlfriend fly...........we made her look like a super hero!!!!
and she flew!!!!(i told my brother and he just said "girl, you've got some weird friends")

Obama's speech(would it be called a speech?), was really good

i didn't see any cameras i was at least hoping to scream "HI, MOM!!!!!"(i wanted to act like an idiot at least once.........)

AKWARD TURTLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
this was a picture taken from formal earlier this year

the guy making the thing with his hands is my friend, Mike
The two together is my friends that are dating, Jasmine(the one who we made fly) and her boyfriend, dan(my friend who broke his arm.....oh and guess what DAN GOT HIS CHAST OFF!!!! woo hoo!!!)

time time time in class

i'ms on tyhe computer in school, yay yay

i'm in a class where if you don't have anything to do, and your grades are up. you can go on the computer(aslong as it's an OKAY website)

in about an hour i guess my school is going to see Obama

I found out that obama wasn't going to be near the school, he would be in the school's stadium

my chemistry teacher wasn't in school so i didn't get to take that quiz!!! yays!!!

10-2-08 first: life update

ugh, that juewish holiday when by so fast
...................only two days and i forgot almost everything......jackass

well i've got two quizes in my first period class......for two days(and i don't usually get quizes like that)(my teacher was seriously pissed at our class, cuz we couldn't shut up)

My friend flipped me off, LOL
but i did sorta deserve it, but we're friend
if you run up and slap them on there arm everyday, that doesn't really matter

we had a half day, it's parent/teacher night!!
so i got to make faces at the Junior high kids(JK)
but i got to walk home a different way because i was alone and got out earlier then the other walkers, wooo!!!!(there are like afew shortcuts in my school, so i went through the smokers' hangout shortcut)

we got some new guy in my class and he is............CUTE!!!!!
he has some tattoos on his arms, which are sexy

my friend said she wants to rape my necklaces o-O........i'm scared
but she said she wants to rape everything she likes..........i feel bad for her boyfriend when she get one

Obama is coming to this place near where i live, so my school is going there to see it