..my dreams=odd

...okay so you know how people are having dreams about the characters from Hetalia

.....i had two technically but one is more recent and it was more of a dream..not a nightmare

Dream: i was sitting in class i look down and then up and everyone was gone....
except France, and he starts laughing, so i ignore it. then China comes in, and they both start laughing at my hair, so i stay something alittle...unladylike... "fuck assholes"under my breath. and i don't know how but Germany comes in and starts saying stuff in German, and hit me on the head. then the bell rings and i run out the class while German is yelling at me in German still. and then i stop..when i see a bunch of North Italys running in the hall, sayng(either one of these) "i'm late!!" "yahhh!!" "pata pata pata" and then a random Japan that looks like Karasuma from school rumble, walks in slow motion to class....he acted like an Old man.

Nightmare: so i was a Otakon(even though it looked nothing like it, but oh well. in the dream it felt like it.) me and my friends were walking in. we heard someone yell "THIS IS A SHOOTOUT!!" and gunshots.
and a crowd of cosplayers and people run by and my friends disappear in the crowd going by. I run out the convention convention center, and see more crowds running by, and this girl running to this little park in the middle of a parking lot. the park was a good hiding spot, so i try to run to it, but the when i try running the girl speeds up and runs past the park, and i find out the park is an illusion. and before i can turn this guy that looked like Switzerland from Hetalia is right infront of me with a rolling suitcase.
so i'm scared cause he's like "...are you ready to die?" while reaching into this suitcase and i go to the ground crying and yelling about how they could do this and why they'd do that, and the otakon was for fun and happiness and for people to just get together and be themselves. the guy smiles and then the nightmare ended.....

my dreams=odd....
