I fell on my way to Law (yes I take law and I have an A+) in school (well not really)
---real version---
I was talking to my friends (Da group)(twilight luna, Dan the manic, fat pat, and crazy katie) and my friend monia (she's a normal person unlike me(a lunitic who's always doing or saying something crazy))
grabs my bookbag and starts pulling me to Law (and I start screaming "help me I'm being kidnaped") my friend pat grabs my arm and starts pulling me, so it was sorta a fight for which way i go
and I scream "let go of my arm your cutting off the circuliation in my arm"
and my friend pat let's go and (moncia is still pulling my bag) guess what!

I fall back (my book bag cushioned my fall) my bangs were so messed up (i almosthit the ground) I got up and started laughing
it was so funny if you think about it
(and people were around)
I wasn't really embrassed about it at all

how naruto looks is how I sorta looked
