raaaaaaannnnnnnnndddddddddooooooommmmmmmm questiooooonnnnnnnnnssssssss

it is now time for another segment I call Random Question
now for the first question
1)does Gerard Way seems Oralando Bloomish(I'm not asking this question my friend said this and I almost killed him for saying this)
2)does drinking red bull, really give you wings?
3)if you see a cat with a around it's neck with 2 $100 dollarbills hanging out, what would you do?
4)my friends said my poems for english are really good, want read some?
5)should I tell one of my friends off, for ditching me for about the whole ninth grade?
6)isn't viva Rock: By Orange Range an awesome song(the third naruto ending)
7)what happens in fruits basket, the manga

I'm not sure how this video looks because my computer it isn't good(the worst video playing computer) with playing videos so comment on it
