i came back from camp like 2 hours ago
i don't like little kid too much
about 6 people so far at camp have asked me this question
and i've only been there for 2 days
it's starting to get annoying
another question people have asked me
"can you draw me?"
not as annoying as the first one
but still i get annoyed by it abit
little kids(12 or 8) follow me around i've got a little sister and brother now i adopted little kids as my siblings
we went to this place it was small but fun
they had alot of moon bounces(i've never been on a moon bounce)
it was cool they had inflatable slides (i slid backwards and when backwards and landed on my back, it was funny)
and i tryed to do a backflip in the moonbounce(it didn't work and i just ended up hurting myself, not seriously. but a minor injury)
one consulor scares me he made us all do push-up(about 60 total for the whole day)(the ground was wet which sucked), laps(about 1 or 2, but i didn't have to do the laps)(this field was big so it was sort tough) and jumping jacks(they made us start over if one person was off-beat, that wasa the same for the push-ups)(about 45)(my arms and legs started to hurt, after that) on the first day
my reaction to have to doing push ups