.......my head hurts, i feel tired, and my stress level is up high
...to day was okay,
not alot of people were in school
physic students, band kids, and chorus kids......
my head hurts though
i feel like i just wanna sleep forever and wake up when everything is good
....my mom is graduating......i'm happy really, but she's in a really anxious mood.....so she's alittle
....this has to be perfect.......
my mom wants to get my head done, and she's gotta work most the week....and i wanna do student involvement day, and i wanna spend some time with my friends.....
because i feel like we're drifting or that they just seem to look down at me abit (i hate it when people, think i'm just dumb...why, cause when i was younger people used to call me stupid, dumb and etc. so when people start to act like i'm stupid or that i can'r do anything..........i'll get alittle depressed or something)
i don't like it, i wanna do things for myself and i'm smart and that annoys me alittle when they say
"yeah, uh-hmm, you need help finding it" or "HOW CAN YOU DO THAT WHEN YOU CAN DO THIS"
my mom is saying "well, you can just stay here at home" and i wanna go....my head hurts............:'(
......i really just wanna sleep for a long time and not see anyone