It was quiet...too quiet...
"STATIONS EVERYONE!!!GET READY!!" okay, maybe it wasn't that quiet.
I checked my weapons for a third time, making sure everything was locked and loaded and ready to fire. I took a shaky breath. why was I nervous? I was prepared, I was ready. It wasn't like this was my first elimination or anything...
...but i always got nervous. Nervous that I would mess up, and that everyone would be in danger because of me.
A pair of boots stopped in front of me and I looked up to see an older man who had been with the brigade for as long as I could remember. "You're gonna do great, Trix, you always do," he said with a wink and a grin. I returned the grin, a bit halfheartedly, and attempted to thank him, but my words stuck in my throat at the sound of a loud alarm, alerting us that it was time, that they were here.
I rested a hand on my chest feeling my racing heart beat and let out a sigh, 'This is it,' I thought, 'time for the action.' I grabbed my modified sniper riffle and aimed it out the small window next to my head. I peered through the scope and found my first target, a woman with graying skin, who was so fat it looked like she might just burst out of the horrendous yellow and red dress she was wearing. I felt like gagging at the sight, but I composed myself and prepared to take the shot.
I took a deep breath, and on the exhale, I squeezed the trigger tight. "Dammit!" I cursed as the shot went right past the target.
I had to relax, I was letting the nerves get the better of me. I took a couple deep breaths and popped a lemon flavored lollipop into my mouth. I realigned my shot and took another deep breath, 'Focus,' I thought, squeezing the trigger once more.
The woman fell, turning into a pile of ketchup the moment she was hit. A wide grin spread across my face and I grabbed another veggie capsule to load into the riffle.
A few minutes later we had successfully eliminated all the Mczombies and were packing up to head back to the base, "Good job, trix, i knew you could do it," the old man said, patting me on the back.
I felt pride run through me, and I broke into a jog to catch up with some of my friends in the brigade.
Hiya friends!!! I thought that since the summer was starting, that maybe we should start a new RP?!?!?!
I kinda used Pickle~chan's idea of a sort of "Veggie Brigade" that is working to eliminated the fast food from the world, and I thought it would be cool if the fast food actually turned them into what I call....... "MCZOMBIES"!!!!!! lolololol, anyway, my characters name is trix (ill put a bio at the end of this post) and she is a weapons/combat specialist who trains new recruits into the veggie brigade(or what ever we're gonna call it) i figured that Pickle~chan or Pickle~Chans character could be someone who is already friends with trix and in the Brigade, and new RPers could be new recruits or new villains or something. we need an evil leader Ronald (I figured Pikle~chan might want to be him also, so ill leave that to her judgment) and yeah.
i thought this might be a cool start to an RP, but we don't have to do this, let me know what you guys think, im thinking some important people we need before we start becoming new recruits are a...
-leader of the brigade
-a nurse/doctor for the brigade
-a strategist
thats all the important jobs i can think of, but feel free to think of your own.
here is my characters bio;
Character: Beatrix Malcolm (nick name: Trix)
Age: 17
Occupation: the veggie Brigades weapon/combat specialist. Deals with the training of new recruits, and has been a member of the group since it was first formed. Creates specialized veggie weapons to defeat the brainless, fast food monsters that McDonalds has spawned
Height: 4'11''.
Weight: 102lb
Appearance: long black hair with teal highlights that she keeps tied in a messy bun to prevent it from getting in the way of her fighting, wears a pair of goggles on top of her head (like Naruto did) to use when working on weapons. Has narrow, purple eyes that usually give her a mischievous look, has pale, thin lips, and a small nose. Her ears can appear almost pointed at times (which adds to her mischievous, elfish look) and it was something her old class mates(who have mostly turned into the brain dead, fast food zombies she has to fight to save the world) used to tease her about. She always wears the same brown scarf, and the same purple tank top, but she has a variety of different colored long sleeved under shirts, and cargo type shorts. She always wears the same, huge, purple sneakers. Her clothes and shoes are all sort of beat up looking, but she doesn't really care. She always has some type of candy (usually a lollipop).
Personality: shes basically the definition of “Mischievous Pyromaniac” she loves explosions and weapons, simply because she finds them fascinating (science was always her favorite subject). But she doesn't like to hurt people( she doesn't consider the mindless fast-food zombies people). She gets nervous really easily, and always tries her best to hide it, not always succeeding. She loves to play pranks and relax, and can be quite lazy when it comes to working, but has no problem being hyper when it comes to playing. She loves sweets, and says that she needs the energy the sugar gives her to invent new, better weapons. Candy is the only unhealthy thing she eats. She can be weary of new people, and sometimes gives them the cold shoulder at first, but once you get to know her, she'll glomp you to death. You know that you are truly close to her if she shares her candy with you.
here is a pick of her that i drew;

so let me know if you guys want to do this or not! i guess you can post a bio of your character if you want to, its up to Pickle~chan!

Raaaaan ran ruuuuu!!!!! ~ The screaming continued.. o_o
I was already left alone... cast aside by this foul smell of this evil forest like a kitten in a sack. I was surrounded with my friends, but they were no friends.... no no, they were like a family!
Fa-me-leh - shouted a wizard as he throw off his spell at me. I was human no more. I was... a donkey with three eyes. OoO
Only a steeeeady life-form can find the tri-powns and use that to defeat the one and only... Clown of the DOOOOM!!
His words will have no affect against you my friend. His breath, terrifying as it is, can't harm you. And soon, very soon.... I might stop writing these dots and actually explain why I turned into an eagle.
But first things first, I must seek out Ganon and use my force to free that clown. Because all this McDonald's conspiracy is actually ruled by Ganon. Why??
... Dunno.....
Well moving on, our adventure continues. I see books, I see flowers. I don't know how they are coward? I know my sword will clear the path of this forest and actually force all the few reads to rest their eyes. . . Don't worry people, as long as the "Ran Ran Ru" magic exists, we shall be safe from harm. >:3
What did I just wrote? Thoughts of a wandered mind. Thanks for reading those who did, you deserve a gift.^^ (after I get stocked by them again, somehow they went away quite fast..)
'Elloooo! >:D
Haha, I started an RP world again. XD
For now it's really simple. Just post and a story shall unfold :D No point system or anything fancy as of now.
So I'll just debrief some stuff:
You can either make a character or RP as yourself. XD Quite simple. If you want to make a character just let me know and you can type up a simple introduction :3
Ehhh, the plot? XD Hmmm.... *thinks*
I suppose it's just like.... we are the Veggie Brigade, a group of health fanatics who determinedly chase down Ronald and his many minions wherever they go. (Eventually Grandma Ronald shall make an appearance ;D) Our goal is to make Ronald have a healthier lifestyle... but we do it sort of forcefully. So this RP can be interesting-er. I guess. XD (Suggestions please~? ouo)
Guest Posters
The more the merrier! :D Just let me know if you care to join this ridiculous RP XD As of now the guest posters are kandafan and LightFykki. :D
Ehhh... I guess that's it for now? o3o; hehe.
I'll try to post something to get us started here. :D
If you guys have any suggestions as to the plot or layout of the world or anything, I'd be eager to hear them :DDD (Because this world is pretty darn ugly right now.... I'm awful at design X'D)