Only a Dream....?

Only a dream…?
An original story by: Laura L.
-saki 1234-

This all began with a dream, or at least I thought it was. As I looked around me I saw nothing but gapping darkness. There was nothing at all. Then out of the blue came two small children who look exactly the same. I noticed something odd about their eyes. Ever other one was opposite, black and white, white and black. Their hair was as white as snow, just the same as their skin. With their odd eyes and peculiar smiles they looked up at me and said,
” Are you ready to go home?”

It was strange. I felt like I’d meet them somewhere before, I just couldn’t put my finger on it. When I didn’t reply they turned away from me quickly began to run. Even though I didn’t know where it would lead me I followed them. As I ran I observed the landscape that passed me by. Tall slender trees grew never ending from the soil. This amazed me because there was no sunlight shining down from the sky even though it was the middle of the day. The farther we journeyed into the forest the darker it seemed to get.

And then the most amazing thing happened…. I tripped. If I can tell you one thing it would be of how surprised I was I looked down on what I had been running upon. The ground was I giant sheet of glass! It stretched on for miles on end. The two boys which I had been chasing stopped, looked back at me, and chuckled. Personally I didn’t find this funny at all. Thrusting myself back to my feet, I found myself chased them much more vehemently than before. I felt a little queasy now that I took notice to where my foot work would fall. the strangest thing about the glass earth was the fact that it look see through , but when you looked again you noticed all you saw was your reflection staring back at you. The two boys came to a stop in front of a big house with faint light coming from the streaked windows. The building it’s self looked as if it was there since the beginning of time. White paint peeled away from the outer walls.

As I stood before this not so ornate hovel I noted that the twins were silently beckoning for me to come to them. I followed thinking I had already gone this far, why not go a little farther. Walking up the long drive to the house seemed to take forever, but when we got there it was well worth it. From afar the house seemed like it should be condemned. Up close, it was completely different. The dingy paint job now seemed majestic in a way. And the wild shrubbery looked like home.

I felt an odd connection to this place, like I belonged no where but here. While I was staring up at the house the children took my hands and lead me to the door. On the door was an old and rusted knocked hanging lazily from the beautifully stained oak. Through the entry way was a dark dusty room that had a certain something about it. There was a stair well to the left and the right of the great room. My curiousity over whelming me I claimed up the stair well to my right. From down in the great room the two children watched quietly. They seemed to waiting for something to happen.

As I reached the top I looked up and down the hall. There were at least fifteen doors just to one side. A certain door caught my eye, it was like any other door in the hall way. Unlike the other doors this one had my name written across it “SASORA”. Intrigued I waltzed over and snuck a peek, the room was completely dark. I was about to leave when I heard a deep, dark voice from the far corner calling to me,” so you really don’t remember?” I swiveled around to where I heard the voice coming from, and there stood a man who looked exactly like the children. Then it dawn on me, they all looked exactly like me. The same skin, the same hair the same eyes. Well, almost. The only exception was the children’s eyes. The man walked closer, but I stood exactly in the same place taking all of this in.” What happened, you haven’t been here for so long … we had no idea where you were…”he seemed a little sad.
“What do you mean by we, and why don’t I remember ever have being here?” I waited and watched for his answer. Even though I wasn’t sure why I felt such a strong connection with him, stronger than the one with the house, or even the children. There was something in his diamond eyes that made me draw closer in search of so many answers to question I didn’t know how to ask.” We missed you, but now you’re back home.” he stated with a smile,” do you remember my name?” I shook my head in reply; this made his smile deflate a little.” My name is Remimaru, but you can call me REM.”His smile grew larger with a little effort.

“REM…,”as I said his name I feel as if it were the first word I had ever beared.

-sorry,but i'm not done yet.this all i have so far.tell me what you think.-
