
Curremtly listening to this song. I really loved it!

Hello, I guess this is my first official post in the new Otaku VV. I realize that I'm kinda busy last month preparing the comic. I already finished 50 pages of the comic that I'm doing, though I need to re-check all of my drawings again. I'm feeling kinda relieved that I managed to finish doing that much of a page, I never done something of that amount and it actually could get quite tiring. There was once that I was so tired that I couldn't hold my pen properly and couldn't get up from my bed for one day on the other day.

I'm currently waiting for the site to put my comic to go up, I did met the wed designer with my dear brother and the guy said it will be finished around this month however the actually time when the site will be ready will be in June. I can't wait to see what this guy will comes up with.

Setting the comic issue aside, my cousin's son got married. Its kinda funny that your distance nephew got married earlier than you, but the thing is we actually around the same age and used to play together. People did asked me the one I called the 'trap' question which is when 'I'm getting married', 'do you already have someone' and also they could introduce me to someone to which all of it I replied 'Errr... NO' or quitely walking away before they even had a chance to ask...

Next year it might be my sister turn. I already met the guy, a little skinny but he's really nice and this guy is an artist. He's good at drawing though my sister said some of his artworks are really hard to understand.

I guess I'll stop here, oh here's one of my work and if you guys are interested, you could visit my DA page with the same username as the one here. I'm currently active again at that site, which I think more active there than this one...

Title page artwork
